2020-03-15 | 3个回答 | 2285人关注
180******75 | 2020-03-15学习 (1)DO examinations do more harm than good? (2)It is good for students to have part-time jobs. 工作 (1) Job satisfaction is more important than a high salary. (2) Discuss the qualities of a successful worker. 娱乐 (1) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (2) Discuss the advantages of a successful worker. 类似还有健康 社会问题 环境 科技文化 友谊 法律道德方面的
187******10 | 2020-03-161.throw me a bone 【原句】I didn’t buy this. Lady Luck threw me a bone. (S06E03) 【翻译】我没有买,是幸运女神的恩赐。 【场景】Caroline和Max在闲聊着Earl没上班却点了午餐的事以及甜品酒吧,看到Han从屋里搬出新凳子,便问着哪里有钱买这个,毕竟Han刚还上之前的欠款;另一边Han像是捡到宝似的。 【讲解】 Lady Luck一般说的是幸运女神。 throw a bone 【俚】帮点小忙。 throw sb. a bone 给某人东西,但并不合乎他的期望。 【例句】 But I think this time Lady Luck may be in your corner. 或许这次幸运之神会眷顾你。 I knew he was right but somewhere deep within me, I secretly hoped they would throw me a bone. 我知道他说得对,但内心偷偷地期望他们会分我一杯羹。
147******39 | 2020-03-161.a few sips 【原句】I just needed a few sips to calm myself down. (S05E13) 【翻译】我需要小酌几口,让自己冷静下来。 【场景】与大人物的见面时间推迟后,Max在酒吧区找到Caroline,看到她神情不太对,想要问问,是不是因为没希望而有些难过在这喝闷酒。 【讲解】 a few sips 喝几口,a few sips of brandy 抿了几口白兰地。 a few有些;几个。pron. 一些(用于可数名词之前)。sip 呷,啜= to drink, taking only a very small amount at a time。 【例句】 She juiced a few oranges for her breakfast. 她拿几个橙子榨汁当早餐饮料。 This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully. 这茶很烫,喝的时候小心点。
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