2020-03-29 | 3个回答 | 982人关注
130******67 | 2020-03-29A:Hi, Chen Hao. How are you today? C:还好,不过,我有点儿事想请教你。
180******91 | 2020-03-29A:How can I help you? C:今天下班,我又要去参加公司的社交活动。 A:Where the point is to make business contacts and develop relationships with current or potential clients? C:没错,就是要多认识点儿人,跟客户搞好关系。不过,我还是不太习惯这种活动。
136******55 | 2020-03-29A:What's the problem? C:自我介绍完,我就不知道该说什么了。 A:Well, The first thing is to prepare your conversation starters ahead of time. C:怎么准备啊? A:Find out who will be there so you will know whom you will be seeing. C:然后呢? A:Find out as much as you can about the guests. The more information you have about them and their business, the easier it will be to talk to them. C:可我根本不知道谁会去啊? A:I suggest you go ask your boss' assistant right now. C:Amy, 今天的活动是Jepson公司主办的。 A:I happen to kno
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