2020-03-27 | 3个回答 | 949人关注
137******09 | 2020-03-28命题形式 独立写作的命题形式一般为“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement …”(你是否同意下面的论断……),要求考生对题目给出的论断表明自己的观点,然后写出具体的理由和细节来支持自己的观点,写作的字数是300词以上,考试时间为30分钟。题目给出的论断主要涉及以下十大类的话题。 ①成功类话题:In order to achieve success, we must be more like others than be different from others. ②工作类话题:People should take a secure job immediately when finding one instead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying. ③金钱类话题:Most businesspeople are motivated by the desire for money. ④科技类话题:Telephone ha
159******45 | 2020-03-28比较类 159 41.09% 隐藏绝对词 137 35.40% 今夕对比类 48 12.40% 绝对词 38 9.82% 三选一 4 1.03% 四选一 1 0.26% 总数 387 100%
180******85 | 2020-03-28绝对词 最高级, never, only, all, always 比较类 more...than 隐藏绝对词 Subject+should 三选一 abc or 123 四选一 abcd or 1234 今夕对比类 nowadays/in the past
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