雅思口语话题题库 雅思口语怎么准备

  • 作者:幂语
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Describe a time when you were looking at the sky.

You should say:

when and where you looked at the sky

who you looked at sky with

how you felt when looking at it

and explain why you looked at the sky.

I don’t often take much notice of the sky, unless it’s a particularly lovely day and the weather is beautiful, with a clear blue sky. I live in a big city, so during the day the sky is usually grey due to pollution caused by cars and factories, and at the night it is glowing because of light pollution, so you can see the moon but hardly any stars.

The one time of the year I make a special effort to look up at the sky is Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival occurs during the 15th of August in the Chinese lunar calendar, when there is a bright full moon. I can’t always make it back to my hometown, but last year I was lucky enough to have time.

My family live in the country, so the night sky is very clear and you can see a spectacular array of stars and sometimes even the Milky Way. After eating a big meal, I stood outside with my mother, father and sister and looked at the moon while we all ate moon cakes. As I looked up, I thought about my family and the sacrifices they have made to give me a good education and a good start in life, as well as how magnificent the stars looked.

Whenever the festival comes, people tend to look up at the full silver moon and drink wine as a way to celebrate their happy life and to extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends far from home.


Describe a situation that others didn't tell you the whole truth.

You should say:

what the situation was

who was involved

why they didn't tell you the whole truth

and explain how you felt when you found out you were not told the whole truth.

Well, actually there were many times when I was not told the whole truth. But the one that impressed me most, I must say, would be the unforgettable birthday party I spent last year. That was a Tuesday, if I remember it right. I got up early and caught the bus to go to work as usual, because I almost forgot the birthday thing.

My mom told me that she would not be at home that night and I must cook the dinner for myself. But after working for the whole day, I got home almost exhausted and I just wanted to have a good rest. But when I opened my room door and turned on the light, I was shocked by what I saw in front of me.

The whole room was decorated into warm pink, with some colorful balloons hanging on the wall. While I was standing there stunned with my mouth open, my parents and my younger sister started to sing the birthday song for me behind a well-prepared dinner among which there was a big cake. What a pleasant surprise!

At that moment, I could not say a word but let the tears stream down my face. All my tiredness had gone away, and I felt I was the happiest person in the world.


You should say:

when and where it happened

what you disagreed on

how you resolved the disagreement

and explain how you felt about the disagreement.

I rarely disagree with my friends about anything, but once in a while pride kicks in and sparks fly. A recent example is when we were watching our favourite TV show, “Breaking Bad”. Three of us would get together every week to catch the latest episode and treat ourselves to some popcorn and beers at the same time.

The show itself raises moral questions as the main character is a school teacher who deals drugs in order to pay for his cancer treatment and provide for his family. It’s certainly not a black and white situation, where someone is definitely right or wrong.

One of my friends made a controversial point that I couldn’t agree with, asserting that the character should have accepted his fate and not fought against the cancer. What started as a small, silly thing quickly blew up and turned ugly. My other friend tried to stay out of it and not to take sides, he attempted to change the subject or defuse the situation with more beer. In the end we decided to put aside our differences and get on with it.

I felt awful about the argument at the time, but I try not to let things play on my mind. It was just a frivolous disagreement between friends that was no doubt fuelled a little by alcohol. I think it’s easier for men to put aside their differences and make up quickly, I’m not so sure about women!


Describe a time when you got lost.

You should say:

when and where it happened

who was there with you

how you felt when you got lost

and explain how you eventually found your way.

I often go to travel in a place where I have never been during summer holidays. Despite the unfamiliar surroundings and people, I have almost never been lost. Now I would like to talk about one of my experiences of being lost.

Last summer, I went to Beijing with my friends. We have been to many places of interests, such as Tian’anmen Square, the Palace Museum, and the Summer Palace. After visiting the Summer Palace, it was so late that we went back to the place where we lived. It was a long-distance route. We intended to use an electronic map to find our way. But it was unfortunate that our phones’ batteries had run out. We were lost in a completely strange place!

It drove me crazy and I was afraid of spending the night on the streets, with despair, while keeping thinking out a best solution. Suddenly an idea came into my mind. We could buy a map made of paper or take a taxi, though a taxi costs a lot. Finally with the guidance of map, we found a way home.






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