雅思口语中水上运动有哪些 雅思口语表达万能句型

  • 作者:啦啦啦
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Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

You should say:

What it is

Where you would like to try it

How difficult it is

And why you would like to try it

Well, there are quite a few activities which I'd like to do in my next holiday plan. If I have a chance to choose only one of them to explain about, I'd select a snorkelling. This requires safety equipment, snorkelling kit which contains a mask and a pipe to release the breath out of the water and of course, you must put on life jacket unless you know swimming.

Generally, this sport can be done underwater especially in the sea where you can easily see coral reefs and colourful fish. It would give you immense pleasure if you carry out this around clear water. As I'm going on holiday to Phi-phi Island, Thailand in the coming month, probably I'd try it out there. I heard that it has very clear water.

Concerning about its level of difficulty, it is one of the adventurous water sport as it requires guts to jump into the ocean. However, many people having water phobia carried out this activity under supervision. I guess I've the courage to do this activity as I love doing water sports.

What I'd like to try this, you know, adventurous games could boost your confidence as it shows you can do anything no matter how difficult it is. This is one reason. Another explanation for trying this out is I've never done snorkelling before so I think I must do it once in a life. Overall, probably I'd have been done this sport by next month end.



I prefer A to B because ...

If I have a choice,I would ...(a real possibility)

If I had a choice,I would ...(not a real possibility, just wishing)

For me, A is much more attractive / interesting / preferable than B because ...

I would much rather do / have / eat / listen to / blah blahblah A than B ...

2. 比较和对比

A is much better / worse than B.

A is not nearly as good as B.

A is not quite as important as B.

A is almost as tall as B, but not quite.

When I compare these two items, it's clear that ...


Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly

One possibility that I can think of is ...

Another idea to think about is ...


It seems to me that ...

This is only my opinion but ...

After a lot of thought, I have come to the conclusion that ...

I've never thought about this question much before, but it seems to me that ...


The reason I believe this is ...

The most important evidence supporting my belief is ...


1. 不要逐字阅读,以词组为单位。如果同学们还在用老方法,一个单词一个单词的看,就会极大的降低自己的阅读速度。让自己习惯以阅读词组,或者是一次性大段句子阅读,久而久之就能比之前阅读的更快。在阅读的过程中,重点是理解哪些赋有句子含义的词汇,像名词和动词,像修饰词、衔接词等等,都不用太在意,找出核心内容理解就好。

2. 阅读过程中可以进行勾画。俗话说好记性不如烂笔头,阅读的过程中可以像使用文本下划线一样,对自己来说内容较为重要的部分进行圈画,但不要用手指指着文本内容来慢慢阅读,要使用手指辅助自己阅读,那移动的速度也要快一些才行,以手指速度带动自己的注意力,也可以用笔来代替手指来调整阅读速度。

3. 扫读是高速阅读的关键。扫读对于同学们来说,是一种非常高效且不用仔细阅读文章来提取重要信息的好方法。比如你在寻找某些特定的内容,如名字、日期、数据或者一个明确的单词时,就可以直接跳过大量的本文,直接过滤搜寻目标词汇。可以借用身边的笔来完成这部分任务,更好的定位。

4. 将文章材料分成大块。很多同学阅读的速度很慢,其原因就在于需要停下了理解这段话的含义,有时候还需要回顾自己读过的内容,再更深入的理解和消化。想要更快速的阅读,可以尝试在每一个阅读阶段结束时对每部分或章节进行一个中心思想的总结。确认自己是否理解了内容,可以自写下这段的中心思想或者写一些关键词,如果能自己练习用语言重新表述这段内容,会更好的提高阅读效率。


小编这里有一个自己用过的,对于提升雅思口语很好的办法,那就是找到一个专业的外教进行练习。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。下载注册口语侠app后,一定要输入我的推荐码:ZXN0GT,可以免费获得10分钟的练习时长。不过大家在跟外国人练习雅思口语的时候,我有2个建议:1是提前准备一个话题,带着话题去跟他们练习能让你学到很多地道的表达;2.是不一定非要选择欧美的老外,像有些南非、菲律宾的也很专业,练习口语也不错。



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