雅思口语为什么喜欢音乐 雅思口语关于音乐的话题

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 Why  you like music?

If I said I "like" music, that would be the biggest understatement ever. I love it, not any particular genre, a bit of everything. Music is the expression of human thoughts and the soul of human society.



1.Do you like music?

Definitely, music is my cup of tea. You know, I’m always busy in studying, so I need to do something to relax, music is the best way I think. I believe music is a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we often go to a Café or a concert to listen to music together. How happy and comfortableit is!

2.Do you think music is important?

Absolutely yes, I think so. Different kinds of music have different impacts on people. Light music can make people relax and comfortable; country music purifies people’s soul; rock & roll inspirits people, pop music is a good choice in karaoke or in a party and so on so forth. I believe the life without music will be dark and monotonous.

3.What music do you like? Why?

Not like many young people, I like listening and singing classical music, because the melody is so elegantand the lyric is always romantic. I’ll be really relax and comfortable when I listen to classical music. My favorite song is

4.What music do Chinese people like?

Well, it’s hard to say. Different people will have different tastes. I guess young people will prefer pop music and hip-hop while old people like classical music and light music. Also there are some people enjoy listening to tradition operas like Beijing operas.


You should say:

What it is

Which country the song comes from

What story the song tells

And explain why you think it is interesting.


I would like to describe a song called “Hey Jude”, which was firstly sung by the English rock band the Beatles. Actually it’s a song McCartney wrote to cheer up a 5-year old boy Julian, during his parents' divorce. The song was first released in August 1968 as the first single from one of the Beatles' records. The song reached the top of both British and American charts. Then, it became an uplifting ballad that’s inspired the masses for decades.

I was also touched by the song the first time I heard it in my high school. I especially like the lyrics, which carry an encouraging message, like when he sings “make a sad song and make it better”. It taught us to be positive and optimistic when things aren’t going well. The lyrics and the tune always spark a bit of romance in my heart. I tended to listen to this song when I came across all kinds of frustration and failures in my life.

It’s really a wake-up call for me and could drag me out of tough situations. Nowadays, I can’t help singing along with the song once it plays. It also had been covered by a series of singers worldwide. Interestingly, it was sung by 80,000 people in the stadium during the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games. The scene was spectacular, hard to describe in words!


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