雅思g类小作文范文15篇汇总 雅思G类写作各分段评分标准

  • 作者:啦啦啦
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  • 阅读:3187




You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You havebought a washing machine. First you found that the machine damaged your clothes,and you had it changed. Then you found that the new one seriously entangled theclothes. Write to the manager of the department store to complain about it.2You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

A few months ago Ipurchased a washing machine (Sanyo XQB50-68) from your department store. After afew weeks I found that it had seriously damaged the clothes. I asked you tochange one for me, which you did. Now I want to ask you to change this one forme again.

This one does not damage my clothes any more, but I have found thatit tangles the clothes seriously and when it automatically begins to spin thewater out, the machine shakes so heavily that it stops by itself. In theinstruction booklet you have not mentioned this defect and neither have you toldthe user how to solve the problem. I am quite annoyed by the fact that sometimeswhen I came back from work to take the clothes out to dry, they were stillunwashed. When I at home. I have to tend it frequently to untwist the entangledclothes. Is that what you call your machine “fully automatic”?/Please change anew one for me that will not entangle the clothes. Otherwise, I would ask you togive my money back, or I would complain to the Consumers' Association.

Yours sincerely,


2. 抱怨服务质量

You should spend about 20 minutes on thistask. You went shopping one day and you had received very bad service in a shop.You want to complain to the boss. Write a letter to complain about the badservice. You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Much ofmy regret, I write this to place a complaint against one of your shop-assistantsabout his bad service. Yesterday morning about 10 o'clock my husband, I and alady friend of ours came to your shop with the intention to buy some souvenirs.One of the shop-assistants, whose badge number was 29 if I remembered right, wasasked to show us some of the bronze wares so that we could decide which one tobuy. Under the circumstances, it was the shop-assistant's duty to do what wasasked or to explain why he was unable to comply with such a request. Instead ofminding his duty and acting in a polite manner, he turned a deaf ear to ourrequest and walked away murmuring in a sarcastic manner.We wish you wouldlook into this unsatisfactory state of affairs and take steps to prevent arecurrence of offensive conduct of this kind.

Yours sincerely,



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.You areorganizing a trip to the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales for a group ofstudents from Perth in Western Australia. Write to the manager of Student HostelServices and explain when you want to visit the Snowy Mountains, how long youwill stay, how many students are in your party, and what accommodation you willrequire.

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir /Madam,

I am writing to seek accommodation in the Snowy Mountains for agroup of students from Perth.

We expect to be the Snowy Mountains betweenJune 1 and June 12. There are fourteen people in our group, five men and sevenwomen, and a married couple. The five men will accept dormitory accommodation,and the women are happy to share rooms, but the married couple would like adouble room. We hope to keep our expenses as low as possible.

Please tellme about recreational services in the area. The group will bring their own bootsfor bushwalking, but we are hoping to hire equipment for other sports, likeskiing. Some of our group will want to hire geological picks and otherequipment, if possible. We also need to know about access to caves and otherinteresting geological features in the area.

I am looking forward toreceiving information about the Student Hostel Services and otherfacilities.

Yours sincerely,



should spend about 20 minutes on thistask.

You are studying at a university in England. Your passport was stolentwo days ago. Write to your embassy in London, giving details of what happenedand asking what you should do next

Dear Sir/Madam,

iam writing to repotthe loss of my passport and to request a new one. I lost my passport two daysago at about 8:30 in the evening when I bought three dictionaries at MBCbookstore. By accident, I left my passport at the shop. When I realized what Ihad done, I telephoned the shop, but the shop assistants there could not findit.

I would be grateful if you could tell me what documents I need to sendyou in order to be issued with a new passport. Do you require any passportphotographs, and if so how many? How much will a new passport cost and in whichcurrency would you like me to pay?

I must apologize for any inconveniencecaused and look forward to hearing from you. I'm looking forward to yourreply.

Yours sincerely,




完成任务情况:基本上回应题目要求;格式可能有时不准确; 学术类:机械描述细节,缺少清晰概括;可能缺少数据支持; 培训类:提出写信目的,有时不清晰;语气可能多变,有时不得体; 呈现核心信息,但涵盖不完整;可能有过于注重细节的倾向; 信息有一定组织但缺少总体延续性;

连贯与衔接:衔接手段不充分,不准确,或过度使用; 缺少指代和替换,显得重复过多;


语法结构的范围和准确性:拼写和构词法上可能出现明显错误,造成读者的某些阅读困难; 只能使用基本句子结构;试图使用复杂句,但复杂句的使用准确性不如简单句; 语法错误较多,标点有误用;错误造成读者的某些阅读困难。


完成任务情况:根据写作任务要求作文; 学术类:进行了概括,信息选择合理; 普通培训类:写信目的基本清晰,语气可能有不够一贯之处;呈现并说明核心信息,但细节可能不够相关,不适合或不准确

连贯与衔接:信息和观点组织连贯;文章有延续性;衔接手段使用有效,但是句子内部和句子之间的衔接可能有误或过于机械; 指代关系可能不能总是清晰、合理地使用


语法结构的范围和准确性: 在拼写和构词法上有错误,但这些错误不至于影响交际;能使用简单和复杂句子结构;语法和标点出现一些错误,尽管这些错误很少导致交流障碍。


完成任务情况:涵盖题目要求; 学术类:清晰概括主要趋势,差别或阶段; 普通培训类:清晰表达写作目的,语气一贯、得体; 清晰呈现并说明核心信息,但可以进行更加充分的扩展

连贯与衔接:信息和观点组织有逻辑性;文章从头至尾有延续性; 衔接手段使用合理,虽然可能有一些使用过少或过多

词汇资源:词汇使用丰富、有一定的准确性和灵活性; 能使用较不常见词汇,对语体和搭配有所了解;

语法结构的范围和准确性:在词汇的选择、拼写和构词法上偶尔有错误 使用多种复杂结构; 多数语句无误;语法和标点掌握较好,但可能会犯一些错误。



连贯与衔接:清晰而又得体地呈现并说明核心信息 信息和观点的安排有序而富逻辑性; 衔接性的各个方面安排得体; 分段充分、适当

词汇资源:能流畅、灵活地使用多样词汇来准确表达思想;能巧妙使用较不常见单词和习语,尽管偶尔有词汇选择和搭配上的不准确; 拼写和构词法错误极少。




词汇资源:词汇使用广泛、自然而老到;极少出现小错误如“笔误” 语法结构的范围和准确性:






G类大作文: Some students travel abroad for one year before starting university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?

A类大作文: Some people think that space exploration is a waste of money and the funds should be relocated to other more needed areas. To what extent do you agree?









其实雅思口语找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。下载注册口语侠app后,一定要输入我的推荐码:ZXN0GT,可以免费获得10分钟的练习时长。不过大家在跟外国人练习雅思口语的时候,我有2个建议:1是提前准备一个话题,带着话题去跟他们练习能让你学到很多地道的表达;2.是不一定非要选择欧美的老外,像有些南非、菲律宾的也很专业,练习口语也不错。



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