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  • 作者:菜菜子
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1.Why people attend college?

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



为了实现理想(ideal; idealistic)(如,周恩来就是为中华之崛起而读书)为了保证将来的就业机会 父母要求子女上大学 别人都上大学了,所以自己也选择读书 找不到工作



After graduating from high school many young people have the option to directly enter the work force. Most students who have the opportunity, however, decide to go to college before finding jobs (They attend college to obtain more choices,-higher salaries, and more opportunities for advancement in an increasingly competitive job market. Before attending college, students have a limited opportunity to specialize. After obtaining a specific college degree a job applicant can be competitive for previously unavailable jobs. For instance, applicants with Computer Science degrees would not only be qualified for jobs in high-tech companies, they would also be well prepared for any job with computer skills as a prerequisite. With a larger range of potential jobs to choose from, degree holders are more likely to find a job that suits their particular needs and interests.

Additionally, employers are willing to pay a premium for highly qualified applicants. For example, many companies desire employees who are competent in more than one language and offer higher salaries to attract them. Even if a job applicant without a college degree has high standardized test scores, employers may still place a higher value on an applicant with similar test scores who also possesses credentials from a well-known university. Because of the extent to which a college degree is accepted by employers as proof of competence in a given field, college graduates are not only more likely to receive more job offers, they can also command higher salaries than applicants who lack college diplomas.

Finally, in addition to offering more choices and higher salaries, a college degree offers access to jobs with a clear path towards professional advancement. A B.S. in biology, for example, could allow a student to find a job in a lab after graduation, a first step on the road towards a career in scientific research. The same major could also be used to apply to medical school, and a career as a doctor. Both of these avenues would be unavailable without taking the first step of an undergraduate degree in biology.

2. Are parents the best teachers? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




Obviously, in most cases the earliest teachers people have are their parents, and parents are generally most concerned about the development of their children. However, it is not completely true to say that parents are the best teachers.

First of all, not all parents are good teachers. As normal individuals, some parents more or less have some bad habits. Even though parents almost instinctively devote themselves to cultivating their offspring, the outcome might turn out to be disappointment, for all children tend to unconsciously or subconsciously copy everything including bad ones from their parents. Another deficiency of parents as teachers is the fact that most parents are lack of common senses of education. All too often we observe some parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing their children to develop in a prearranged direction. Ironically, when their children do not follow the instructions, the children will be regarded as disobedient or allegedly rebellious. In fact, it is parents rather than their children that virtually disobey common senses

Moreover, some parents are qualified as good teachers, but not all of them are the best ones. When children are in the preliminary school, it is not surprising that parents are perhaps capable of teaching their children almost every subject even better than professional teachers in the school. But the situation will not last long. We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same time becomes more and more specialized. Therefore, to be a professional in a certain field today takes much longer time than has ever been before. No parent is able to be professional in all fields, though they might be experts in one or more fields. Wise parents often release rather than charge their children as early as possible. They are aware of the possibility outside the family.

Parents may, nevertheless, help their children much more than do good teachers. Most parts of children education are virtually beyond teachers' reaches. It is parents that supplement. Psychology studies have shown us that parents' love sometimes has astonishingly magic power to their children. Albeit Einstein's mother and that of Forest Gump are both good examples. On the other hand, parents might do their children harm more than do bad teachers as well. The natures of those children whose parents have divorced are often severely distorted.

In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers.

3. Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live?

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

总体上,“食物变得越来越容易准备”是一种进步[37],所以自然会带来improvement。使人们的生活方式发生了一些变化: 好的:节省时间,越来越方便,一定程度上把妇女从繁杂的家务中解放了出来

也有不好的变化:准备食物是一种重要的家庭活动,可是食物变得容易准备一定程度上使家人在一起的时间减少了,比如“速冻饺子”[quick-frozen dumpling]快餐业的高速发展的一个直接结果是,人们普遍变胖了,尤其是孩子


People today can prepare their meal much easier than has ever been before. To prepare a single dinner,provident housewives usually had to work for hours in the past: they had to buy home dirty vegetables which had to wash, meat which had to slice, and so on so forth. Each and every step of preparation was a time-consuming task. But now, things are entirely different. Supermarkets provide vegetables and meat clean and neat, some of them even have relevant ingredients and need only a few minutes to be made into delicious meals. And this change has indeed greatly improved the way people live. In a sense, food preparation is no longer a tedious task, at least much easier to tolerate. Such a change has liberated many women and given them chance to do more meaningful things, for example, a higher pay job or a more respectful one. On the other hand, more men are becoming willing to do the thing that they once hated so much, and in some cases such transformation of men brought dramatic positive impact on the family. Today, it's not hard to imagine a wife comes home after a day's hard work and how delightful she is to find out his husband has already prepared her several her favorite dishes! Children can more easily become independent—at least they can make themselves breakfasts or dinners when parents are occasionally not present. But such a change has also brought some unexpected consequences. Girls nowadays are becoming more and more reluctant to deem household work as their responsibility. The reason is quite straightforward: it was once really ridiculous to insist men do trivial household work rather than go work and earn money to support family, but conditions have altered now, girls might think: "I can work as well, or maybe I can earn a higher salary than you do, dear boy friend, if you want to marry me, answer me one question first, will you prepare me breakfast and dinner every day?" And some boys, on the other hand, are becoming hesitant to get married, or simply remain solitary, among miscellaneous reasons they do so is one thing: "I can take care of myself, at least I don't really need someone prepare me dinner!" Anyway, such a change is positive and it did improve the quality of people's life. At least it has brought girls, boys, husbands, wives, children and everyone else who has to prepare food an opportunity, no matter what kind of opportunity it is.

4. Which is more important, book knowledge or experience? It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?











所以不能一概而论(treat different things/problems/matters] as the same),要看学什么,以及学习的阶段。


In general, knowledge gained from books has a wider range than that gained from experience. We now live in a world that typophile is no longer overpriced, and that printed matters are readily available. In libraries, we can learn nearly everything only if we have already acquired basic reading skills, philosophy, history, literature, physics, mathematics, chemicals, biology, geography, anthropology, and the list will go on. Unlike the experience of an individual that is limited by the range of that individual, books seem to have almost no limitation. Sitting in the local library, we virtually can travel everywhere through an interesting geographic encyclopedia, and certainly, with nearly no expense at all. On the other hand, it can be argued that sometimes knowledge gained from experience is much deeper and more comprehensive than that gained from books. It is quite true that not every thing is contained in books. How to deal with personal finance, how to cope with current social trends, even how to most effectively organize our own mind, and numerous other things can seldom be found thoroughly and comprehensively discussed in books, we have to gain the knowledge by our own experience. And the sad news is that even some knowledge that is contained in books usually needs further comprehension, mainly through experience. As to which source is more important, the answers vary. Some knowledge can be acquired only through books. It's hard to imagine we can have a good understanding of history without reading books. On the other hand, some knowledge can be obtained only through experience. When we try to learn to swim, merely a detailed manual of swimming skills, even abundantly filled with illustrations, is at most useless. We have to jump into the water and then gain the knowledge with experience. We have to use books and experience as source simultaneously to get what we want to know. Take learning physics for example, both books and experiences are equally important sources, and examples as such are numerous. Therefore, I think whether one source is more important than the other depends on circumstances.

5. The advantages and disadvantages of a new factory near your community A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.












I live in a primarily agricultural community, and most of the population lives hand to mouth. Parents keep children home from school to work in the fields. If there is a flood or a drought, people starve. A new factory would mean regular monthly salaries as well as protection against natural disasters or a sudden drop in the price of our main agricultural product, say, corn. Regular salaries would allow families the confidence to make investments in their futures. The locals would be able to plan their finances accurately and free themselves from debt. This in turn would encourage entrepreneurship and further develop the local economy. People could begin to open shops, restaurants, dormitories, and entertainment facilities to serve the factory workers with their savings. Profits from these small enterprises would further enrich the local community and turn our relatively poor farmland into a truly profitable development zone. Perhaps more parents could then afford to send all of their children to high school and maybe even college. There would certainly be negative effects as well. If the area becomes prosperous, immigrants from poorer regions will come here looking for work. Because of their relative poverty they will work harder for less money than the locals and drive wages down. There might be more immigrants than factory jobs available, leading to an unemployment crisis with a rising crime rate as a potential negative side effect. On the other hand, the proposed factory would almost certainly have adverse effects on the local environment, particularly in regards to polluting the water. This is perhaps the most serious concern, because without clean water the area cannot sustain life of any kind, com, livestock, or human. However, because of the relatively desperate economic situation of my hometown, I believe the potential benefits of opening a new factory would outweigh the risks. If we take the proper precautions, such as imposing strict environmental standards and providing adequate social services for immigrants, the whole area stands to benefit.

6. The most important thing you want to change about your hometown If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.







I was born in a small town named Hailin, located in the North-East of China. The most serious problems in my hometown are the backward ideas about a woman's place in the family, school, workplace, and society. These negative stereotypes hurt not only women, but all of society as well. If possible, I would change the attitudes of the people in my hometown so they would view men and women equally. Discrimination against women in my hometown begins before they are even born. Because people here believe that only a man can carry on the family line, every family wants to have at least one son. Each family is only supposed to have one child because of the overpopulation problem. This means that if a family can find out a fetus is female before it is born they might abort it. Or in other cases, people will have many female babies before they have a son, which only makes the population problem worse. If female babies were considered as important as male babies, then these two problems probably would not exist. Discrimination against girls continues as they go to school and work. The prevalent stereotype is that women are not as smart as men and we shouldn't waste time and money educating them. Families often insist that their daughters stay at home and help with housework while sending their sons to school. Girls are born every bit as smart as boys and equally deserve to reap the benefits of education. Many of the world's famous scientists and leaders are women, from Marie Curie to Margaret Thatcher. We need to eliminate the stereotype that women are less intelligent than men so that our community can benefit from the achievements that women are capable of making when armed with education. In fact, women need to be respected enough to hold professional and leadership jobs in our community. This would mean that in the classified section of newspapers, there would no longer be jobs for "men only." We will never know how many women could have done those jobs better than a man could have until the parents of every baby girl decide that their daughter is worth as much as their son. This is probably the most important thing that I want to change about my hometown.

7. The influence of movies or television on people's behavior How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.


电影、电视等大众传媒(mass media)往往可以对人们的行为产生影响





The impact that movies or television has had on our daily life, and society in general, is undeniable. No doubt it will become even greater as the scope of which continues to grow, and as the relevant technologies become more and more sophisticated, and so fascinating that virtually nobody will be able to escape. Already, it can be seen how western movies are exercising influence on our youth generation: they grow long-hair regardless of their gender, commonly part of which is dyed in gold; they wear jeans in each and every season, usually the knees of which are deliberately tattered; boys are fond of earrings or other odd pendants; and girls are keen on Marlboros and weird bad words. The major means that movies and television influence the public is by creating topics of discussion in the society. Movies offer people (the consumers) issues to talk and think about. Titanic had brought a worldwide uproar by its extolling of fascinating immortal love; Prime Color and Wag the Dog met the national debate on right and duty of the president of the United States. Antiwar movies such as Tears of the Sun and All Quiet on the Western Front among numerous others have been raising the question that is any war really to uphold justice or is it really worthy that an individual makes sacrifices to his country and at the same time ignores his own family or his personal values? Television also shapes our understanding of what is important and what is not important (to know). The "important" issues are being discussed over and over or in the beginning of a program. The "not important" stories are the ones that are not being told at all. The "not very important" stories are probably very short and hidden in the last part. By prearranging public issue, movies and television make decisions for us. Even though there are critical thinking individuals in any society, they are definitely in minority; the public in whole indeed lack skills of critical thinking, and therefore they are often led by the movies and television. In brief, movies and television, by offering topics and affecting the ways in which we discuss "the important issues", has a strong influence on our perception of the truth, of the world or of the structure of our society. We have to admit that it has a role in our lives as a source of information, experiences, entertainment, amusement andrelaxation.

8. Has television destroyed communication among people? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.



While television has been somewhat harmful in its effects, it has hardly "destroyed" communication among friends and family, although for some people, the assertion that television has destroyed communication among friends and family seems pretty plausible. Television, invented in last century, with its wide availability, increasingly prosperous programs, becomes one of the most powerful means of communication in the history, and is more and more difficult to ignore. Television is as much a part of our lives as are our meals, work, or school; studies consistently show that the average American child spends almost as much time watching television as does he or she in school. We all have only 24 hours a day and it is clear that the more time one spends on watching television, the less time one does with his or her family and friends. Hence the passage printed in the newspaper or magazine titled "Television took my husband away." Tempting as such claim might be, it is hardly true. Instead of television, it is the increasing pressure of modern life that took her husband away. We have no definite evidence to say people nowadays endure more pressures than did their counterparts in the past, but it is absolutely true that people nowadays undergo great pressures that come from various directions, including work, school, economy, and so forth. Investigations show that people who earn more than RMB 50, 000 annually spend at least 60 hours on work per week, much more than those who earn RMB 20,000 annually. Today a bachelor's degree may no longer guarantee a decent pay, more and more companies post their want ads claiming that applicants must have at least master's degrees, which take two or three years longer. People nowadays have very little time for anything; television is merely among many other factors that affect communication, and is definitely not the main cause of degradation. It seems that the more one is educated, the more one is aware of the deleterious effects that excessive television causes, and either deliberately avoid it or actually do not enjoy it. On the other hand, there really are many people addictive to television. But the fact is, were television not existent, surely these people would have found other escapes, such as alcohol or gambling for example. In other words, people always find a way to do what they want to do. Therefore, I can hardly agree that television has destroyed communication among friends and family.

9. Live in a small town or in a big city?

Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.



生活在小城市的优缺点:温馨,安静,空气好;人们相互了解、友善;信息闭塞;没有好工作陈述自己的偏好(可以采取"it depends"的策略,不同的阶段有不同的偏好)


People seldom agree with each other even in such trivial issues as preference between a big city and a small town. It's a little bit haste to say that it is better to live in a big city than in a small town, or vice versa.Living in a big city has several benefits. First, there're more job opportunities readily available in big cities than in a small town. Moreover, not merely are there more job positions in big cities and the qualities of the position are much higher as well. In addition, the pay is more decent. Second, children are supposed to be able to receive an education with a higher quality compared with their counterparts who live in a small town. For families,children's education is always put in the first place. Finally, living in a big city usually has a superior living standard to that in a small town. There are more commodities and services in city markets; there are more public utilities available in big cities; there are even much more television channels in big cities.However, living in a small town also has some advantages. People who live in a small town often have a much comfortable life style. Most of them do not have to suffer high working stress. Although the average pay is much less than that of big cities, the price of daily necessities, such as vegetables or meat, is usually less expensive. Instead of suffering loneliness which is prevalent in big cities, children might grow up more healthily because of harmonious relationship among residents in small town. People in a small town do not have to get up so early in the morning because there has been no traffic jam, and nobody drive so fast in a small town as to cause car accidents. They might have fewer channels in television, but they have more friends readily available to chat or entertain with. According to my current situation, although I am longing for the cozy atmosphere and relationship among neighbors and friends which almost only exist in small cities, I have chosen to live in one of the biggest cities in my country—Beijing, since I have found a pretty good job here, and a decent pay. I think I would prefer living in a small town when I get retired one day.

10. Does luck have anything to do with success?

“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.





Here is a true story, a story about an African man called Cinque who slew a most terrifying beast that any one has ever seen, a lion. His siblings in the village who know about this anecdote gave him great respect and call him the big man. However, he told the truth later. "It had killed several people, even hunters among us. Everyone including me was afraid. "I was lying down with my family, when out of nowhere it appeared. "As it came for me, I picked up a big rock and I threw it. And that wasn't bravery, because any man would do the same to protect his family. "But by some miracle, you see, I hit it. I don't know how that killed it, but it did. A rock, you see, a rock. "I received the gratitude of everyone in the village. I was given respect. They treated me as if I was a prince. They gave me the finest country cloth. All these things they gave me, I took them all. But I knew I didn't deserve it, for when I threw that rock at that beast, if I missed it, I wouldn't be sitting here today trying to explain these things to you or somebody else, I'd just be dead. I'm not a big man, just a lucky one." You see, luck does exist. When it appears, mathematicians describe in such a way that something has an extremely small probability but it does happen. People often say, one has to have an opportunity to succeed. In this case, luck is the opportunity, and to some extent is an indispensable factor to achieve success.

When people say luck has nothing to do with success, I wonder it is not their intention to deny existence of luck, but to encourage. Because luck in fact is a factor that one can not and should not count on, even though we know people who have succeeded have their own luck. It is somewhere, but nobody knows where. It happens sometime, but we don't know when. By contrast, hard work is something that everyone can count on, and as is often the case, hard work might bring luck. Therefore, luck itself is of no hope, and lack of luck should not be an excuse to failure.



A or B

Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.For instance,____________________

Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________

The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________

Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as________________.

 In a word, ________________________________________________.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A.


A or B

将原题复述___________________________________________When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.

The main reason for my propensity fo _________is that___________________

The second reason can be seen by every person that________.

In addition, these reason are also usable when we consider that_________.

There are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点的缺点__________.

In a word, _____________重复观点句并缩写理由__________________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that___________.



The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style. In my point view, buying computers is as important as, if not more important than, buying books. So it is sagacious to ____________.Among countless factors which influence the choice, these are three conspicuous aspects as follows.

The main reason for my propensity for__________is that____________.

Another reason can be seen by every person is that________________.


In short,_________________复述前文中的理由______________.


agree or disagree

Some people argue as if it is a general truth that a _____________________________.But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact that______________解释本段中心___________.

Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that______________.

What is more, some students are interested in____________.

In a word, ________________.


A or B

Some people prefer to A. others believe B. When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that______________, but others, in contrast , deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. There are numerous reasons why___________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.

The main reason why I agree with the above statement, however, is that_____________________. Take___________as example, ______________.

There is another factor that deserves some words here. Such as ________________________.

Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that______________.(exmaples:___________).

From the above you might got idea that I agree______________.(repeat the above three reason____________).So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to _______________.


1、As an old saying goes/ As an old proverb says, ….俗话(古语)说,……:

2、It is reported/estimated/said/thought/believed that….据报道/据估计/据说/据信,……:

3、In other words/Namely/To put it another way/ That is to say, ….也就是说,……:

4、For one thing, …. For another, …. 一则,……;再则,……(多用于阐述理由或列举):

5、Considering/Regarding/In view of,….考虑到……:

6、In my view/In my opinion/As far as I am concerned, ….我认为、在我看来,……:

7、for the sake of/for purposes of/in order to achieve sth,…为了……:

8、It can be easily understood/proved that….很容易理解/证明……:

9、pursue maximum profit 追求最大限度利润

10、feel a sense of accomplishment/pride/superiority/honor/inferiority 有成就感

11、motivate sb. to do sth.鼓励 / 刺激某人做某事

12、put theory into practice 把理论运用到实践中

13、impart knowledge 传授知识

14、expand one's knowledge 拓展知识

15、kindle one's interest with sth. 用某事唤起 / 激起某人的兴趣

16、extracurricular activities 课外活动

17、burn the midnight oil 学习或工作到深夜

18、study intensively 高强度地学习

19、a healthy/positive outlook on life 健康 / 积极的人生态度

20、well-adjusted adults 能够很好地适应社会生活的成年人






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