雅思口语part3题库与范文 雅思口语part3话题思路指导

  • 作者:菜菜子
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:1777





1. What's the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

2. Do you think it's necessary for everyone to learn to swim?

3. Why should we develop water sports?

4. What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?


1. What's the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

Compared with indoor sports, outdoor sports take place in an open area, which means people haverelatively more space to do what they want. Plus, outdoor sports allow us to breathe in much morefresh air, so they're probably better for our state of health. However, the major disadvantage ofoutdoor sports is that they're subject to weather conditions. If it's raining outside, it might beinconvenient for us to continue doing outdoor sports, whereas indoor sports wouldn't be affectedat all under the same conditions.

2. Do you think it's necessary for everyone to learn to swim?

I believe that learning how to swim is necessary for everyone. To start with, swimming is a life?saving skill that comes in handy when dangerous situations in water occur. We just don't knowwhether we might stumble into a life-threatening situation, so we'd better preemptively prepare.Another reason is that swimming can keep us healthy in its unique way. Learning how to swim cangive us an alternative sport to play in order to stay healthy.

3. Why should we develop water sports?

Generally speaking, I think water sports keep us healthy in their unique way and develop skill setsthat can benefit us forever. Take swimming for example. Swimming on a regular basis helps usmaintain a healthy weight and a healthy heart. Moreover, swimming enables us to build endurance,muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness, which can help us lead a much more productive life.

4. What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?

Swimming and rowing are two of the most popular water sports nowadays. A lot of cities havebeen well-developed to the point where standard swimming pools are quite common, so swimminghas become a pretty accessible and low-cost water sport for many people. In addition, manypeople see swimming as a necessary skill and a way to relax with friends in a scorching summer,so it's very popular. Rowing is quite popular at tourist attractions, where people can get thrilledand excited as they're rowing a boat on a rapid river.



1. Change 关于某些事物由过去到现在发生的改变

2. Child development / how to raise a child 孩子的教育问题

3. Differences between young people and old people 年轻人和老年人的不同

4. Information and communication / both the entertainment media and the news media 获取信息和交流的方式,新旧媒体的对比

5. Male-female differences 男女不同

6. Personal qualities needed for different vocations 不同职业的人物性格

7. Science and technology 科学和科技的发展

8. Society and environment 社会与环境话题


1.Do young people and older people have the same tastes in art?

2.How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?

3.Is there much difference between the popular outdoor activities of old people and those of young people?

从3个考题中不难看出,虽然都是再问年轻人和老年人的不同之处,但讨论的话题都不一样。第一个是在讨论art, 第二个则是在讨论mobile phone, 第三个更是将话题延伸到了outdoor activity。



1. 性格

老年人: 经验丰富 experienced,提供合理建议 offer sensible advice,分析潜在后果 analyze the potential consequences of behaviors

年轻人: 喜欢冒险 adventurous,有活力的 energetic,冒风险take a lot of chances,容易做出草率的决定 make a rash decision

2. 对于新旧事物的态度

老年人:保守的 conservative, 坚持旧的习惯 stick to old habits, 跟不上时代 out of touch with the world,不愿意改变 resistant to change年轻人:喜欢追求时尚enjoy chasing after the fashion,对新鲜事物保持开放的心态keep an open mind to new things,更愿意适应高科技 be more willing to adopt advanced technology

3. 生活方式

老年人:悠闲的relaxing and cozy,没有压力 don’t have to face much pressure,缺乏稳定收入 without a stable income, 身体不好 in poor health

年轻人:繁忙busy,快节奏的生活方式fast-paced life style,朝九晚五的生活a hectic routine life


l Well, I have to say, they’re as different as chalk and cheese when it comes to ______.

l Most of young guys in China are more likely to ______

l By contrast, the old generations, on the whole mainly tend to ______.

l I suppose it’s probably because _________.

填充相应的雅思口语话题的内容 请注意:“烤鸭”们应该针对不同的考题,选取相对应的不同点。比如对于手机,我们可以选用老年人和年轻人对于科技的态度;对于艺术,应该采用老年人和年轻人对于时尚和传统事物的态度,如果遇上户外活动或者运动话题,则应该考虑两种人不同的生活方式。











2)将过程分开3部分:设定背景,询问问题和说“Thank you”和“Goodbye”;








雅思口语part3部分主要是根据part2的提问来进行的,因此也会涉及到很多种话题,所以part31部分的练习还是比较多的,如果可以大家雅思口语找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。





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