雅思口语范文100篇part1 雅思口语考试流程详细介绍

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1. Hello. Could you show me your identification card please?

Hello.Sure,here you are.

2. Could you tell me your full name please?

My full name is XXX.Friends usually call my English name, XXX.

3. What shall I call you?

You could call me XXX.

4. How are you?

I am fine,thank you,and you?

5. How old are you?

I am 22 years old. In other words,I was born in 1980.March 8,1980,to beexact.

6. Does your name have any special meaning?

Yes, my name does have some special meaning.My family name means ‘peace’,and my first name has the meaning of ‘strong one’.My English name was given byone of my high school teachers,and itdoes not have any special meaningreally.

7. Does your name have any special meaning?

I presume you are referring to my Chinese name.Yes, the English equivalentof my family name would be something like ‘peace’, and in the case of my firstname it would be ‘strong one’.My English name was randomly chosen by one of myhigh school teachers,and it really doesn’t have any special meaning.

8. Is your name important to you?

No.I don’t think it can do anything for me.I believe a person has to workout his own life.I am planning to do this as well as I can.

9. Is your name important to you?

Not really. I belong to the new generation who do not attach too muchsignificance to our names.Names were important to the older generation as theyare of the opinion that it will determine your destiny to some extent.However,I personally believe that I myself will determine my destiny no matter what myname is. I will do this by acquiring good qualifications and by workinghard. 

10. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?

I live in a spacious apartment with the area of 170 square meters. To be more specific, it is a high-rise brick flat with 2 bedrooms in a housing estate in downtown. Behind our flats there lies a river and we can jog and take a walk along with it.

11. Who do you live with?

Well, I've been living with my parents in our apartment since I was a child. This year, the neighbor's dog gave birth to three baby dogs and one of them became our new family member.

12. How long have you lived there?

Since last year. My family moves a lot, like every five years or so, because dad’s always changing his job, um… in a positive way of course. So we are moving around and trying to get a better place to live in.

13. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Definitely! Not only because it is the place in which I grew up, but because most of my friends also live nearby so that we can accompany each other from time to time.

14.(If you answer you haven’t lived there long) What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?

There are two major differences. The first one is the size of the apartments. The place where we are living now is much bigger than the previous one. The second one is the friendly neighbors. We got a bunch of friendly neighbors who watch our back when we are absent.

15. Can you describe the place where you live?

My apartment is not a traditionally residential place, but transformed from a factory building. Because of the high ceiling and big beams, my father designed a two-floor apartment and renovated it himself. As you can imagine, the staircase is my “playing ground” during my childhood.

16. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

It's the kitchen definitely! In great love of cooking, everyone in my family is kind of a top cook. We study recipes, discuss them with each other and invent new dishes in our tiny but warm kitchen.

17. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

Normally, I invite old friends to my flat to share and understand of a good book, a film or a song in which we learn a lot from each other and develop our knowledge of the world. During sharing, we talk, laugh and weep, building warm atmosphere in my flat.

18. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

Thanks to the location, the transport ways are enough for traveling. The nearby metro line can reach the city center as well as my school and a new tramway is also under construction.

19. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

You know, it's quite hard to say because different residents give you different feelings but if I have to pick one, I would like to live in a flat as flats are usually situated in downtown so I wouldn't be lonely.

20. Please describe the room you live in.

I live in a room which is decorated in Scandinavian style. To be more specific, I have a king-size bed, as well as a sofa next to the French window. The most relaxing time for me is to stay in my room, lay on the sofa with sound system open and books on hand.

21. What part of your home do you like the most?

To be honest, it's the sitting-room. With an exquisite tapestry suspending on the wall, the whole style makes me feel go back to middle age while smart TV with a large screen brings me return to the modern life.

22. Do you live in a house or a flat?

Recently,I live in a flat in downtown area. Smaller than the house as it is, my flat locates in a housing estate which is right behind the commercial area with convenient transportation andcomprehensive living infrastructure. Due to the ever-increasing housing price, most people here live in a flat than in a house.

23. What can you see outside the window?

Since I live in the 18th floor, I can see many things near and far. I can see the whole community, a market about half a mile away, the main street behind it and also a railway afar. Also, if the weather permits, I can see the mountain and crystal clear sky when I look far far away.







雅思口语评分标准有四个,分别是:流利度及连贯性,词汇、句式丰富性及语法 准确性和语音。下面给大家详细解析该标准:在雅思口语考试中,很多考生自我感觉考的不错,但是等成绩出来的时候却大失所望,归结原因就是没有 弄清楚雅思口语评分标准,对考生来说无论是备考过程中还是在考试之前,理解雅思口语评分标准都能帮助 考生更好的准备和发挥,从而赢得考官的青睐,获得想要的分数。


如果在考官问你问题的时候,你可以很流畅地回答,期间没有明显停顿或没有明显思考的停顿的话,那么在f这个部分,至少有6分。针对流利度的问题,这里建议考生可以通过阅读文章来进行。考生可以选择大量 的跟雅思内容类似,难度较低的文章进行演练。每天读上30分钟,把嘴皮子磨滑溜了。



雅思词汇可以分不同类别的话题进行补充和记忆,在语言没有错的前提下尽可能用更丰富的表达方式和高档一些的词汇,避免对一些overused vocabulary的高频使用,在考口语时也不需要说一些多难多深奥的词 汇,只要说一些一般的语汇就ok了,因为即使是考官,他在平时说英语的时候也不会用多深奥的词汇。


与其用一些高档的语法结构但是总是犯错,还不如用简单的但是正确的句式。要尽可能避免一些极其简单 的语法错误,比如第三人称单数以及名次单复数等。在口语考试时,会经常地说到一些过去的事情,无论什么 topic所说的内容大部分都是已经发生过的,所以你在练习口语语法时要主攻过去式的说法,其实你只要熟练掌握一般过去时就ok了。


这是雅思口语评分一个很重要的标准,考生的发音不用刻意模仿外国人的native pronunciation,只要做 到清晰,不影响考官理解发言的内容就好了。考生可收集口语topic,然后自己针对这些topic写些内容,全写 好了之后,把内容里面自己不太懂发音或没信心说好的单词换去,如果实在换不去,就硬吃这些单词,练好发 音,这样做的话虽然不能全面加强你的发音,但是却可以针对口语考试里最大限度地减少你发音错误的机会 。


雅思口语找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。




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