2021托福独立口语真题汇总 托福口语小范围预测

  • 作者:明绣
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:1222



The effect that you have when you lack sleep


可罗列几种不同影响并适当展开,如注意力不集中(it’s hard to concentrate on my learning),心情不佳,做什么事情都心不在焉(I may be in a bad mood and have no interest in anything else)等。


Working in the daytime and study at night or studying in the daytime and working at night, which one do you prefer?



如选择白天工作晚上学习,可以是出于personal preference;另外,白天更有力气,充满动力;晚上更安静,容易集中,无人打扰,效率更高;并且这也是common lifestyle 等。


proposal: provided a system that enable graduate students to tutor Math online

1. time more flexible

2.more graduate will be encouraged to be tutors

woman agrees:

1. more time available for students who need help, especially in evening when students are free and have many assignments to do

2.because they can work at home, and needn’t travel a long distance to the campus, more graduate will be willing to become a tutors.

提出建议:可以提供让graduate students 在线辅导数学这样一个系统。



模板:In the reading material, there is a proposal that…

Moreover, the woman does agree with such a good proposal for two reasons.

One is that … ,

and the other is that …

1. Do you agree or disagree that a celebrity should set a good example for young people? Use details and examples to support your explanation. (重复2016.01.09真题)

2. 阅读:professor想让literature work变成小组讨论,这样可以帮助提高质量;同时,学生也可以跟上track不会拖延,避免用late articles

听力:男生反对;原因1:小组会议需要花时间看其他同学的文章,这样会花费更多时间,而且可能不会有自己的观点还是小组观点;原因2:学生从自己的教授那里得到feedback时,由于他们是experts所以更专业;而让自己同学提出建议可能会让paper更worse,走向wrong direction

3. positive externalities,即使人和商业经济不直接相关,他们也可以获利

听力:local City的bus service想把原来那些用化石燃料的公交车改为新的电动力的车型,但由于bus service一般小公司负担不起所以政府帮忙,因为这样环境就会变好,而人们也会因为环境改善从中受益。

4. rainforest有利于生物多样性的的两个原因:首先,潮湿温暖的气候,举例一种植物对于寒冷很敏感,只有在温暖的环境中才可以开花长叶;其次,有茂盛的canopy,使得数之间的空隙足够大,有的植物没有根系,只能生活在树与树的空隙之间,落地之后就无法存活。


1. Some people think universities should spend money on academic programs. Others think universities should spend money on student entertainments, like building a musical or cinema center. Which do you think is better?

2. Should students who major in math or science be required to take humanities courses?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Having group discussions is good for study.

4. Some students prefer to do their projects right before the deadline. Others prefer to do it long before the due date. Which do you prefer?

5. Some students prefer to study at school and in the library. Other students prefer to study at home or in the dorm. Which do you prefer?


Personally, I would like to play group sports, like basketball, football, and even baseball. Cuz there are actually lots of benefits, to begin with, one can socialize with their peers and make new friends. I can learn the importance of cooperation and responsibility when playing team sports, my teammates and I can give each other motivation and encouragement, we struggle together for a common goal. It really feels awesome.


托福口语找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的外教可以选择,这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。





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