外贸常用英语口语900句 外贸商务英语情景对话大全

  • 作者:你的猫
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:6648



1.Enquiries are dwindling.询盘正在减少。

2.What about delivery time?什么时间交货?

3.How about the supply position?供应情况怎么样?

4.Please give us your best price.请给我们报最低价。

5.What about the terms of payment?以什么作为付款方式?

6.Do you offer FOB or CIF?你们报船上交货价还是到岸价?

7.Can you quote a CIF price for me?你能报到岸价格给我吗?

8.Can you shed all light on your price?我想要你们的全部报价。

9.Please make us an offer for Leather Glovers.请报皮手套的价格。

10.We'd be willing to accept your CIF price.我愿意按照到岸价交易。

11.Would you give me an offer for the good?这个货物你能给我报个价吗?

12.Could you give us some idea about your price?请介绍贵方的价格好吗?

13.I wonder if you'll offer both CIF and FOB prices.我们通常是按到岸价出口的。

14.We have extended the offer as per as your request.我们已按你方要求将报盘延期。

15.The quality must be in strict conformity with that of sample.质量必须与样品一样。

16.Would you accept orders according to our designs?能否接受裉据我们设计样式的定货?

17.Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。

18.Please send us all available data on your swimwears.请寄送有关贵司泳装产品的质料给我们。

19.Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?不知你们能不能接受在一段时间内分批交货?

20.Would it be possible for you to tell me your sales terms and conditions?你们的销售条件是什么呢?

21.We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market.我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。

22.Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods.请告知你们有关商品的最低价。

23.If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。

24.Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 300 cases.询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们300箱货。

25.My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。

26.As soon as we have any further inquiries,I'll give you a call.只要我们想做进一步的査询,我就会打电话给您。

27.We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes.本公司有意大量购买各型号钢螺钉。

28.You'll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere.你会发现我们的报价比别处要便宜。

29.I am interested in your product. It is said that your new-tech products sell good. 我对你们的产品感兴趣,听说你们的新科技产品销量很好。

30.We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices.闻悉贵公司货物质优价廉,故欲与贵公司建立合作关系。

31.How do I address you?如何称呼你?

32.We're running out of time.时间不够。

33.What about placing a trial order?何不先试订货?

34.We're getting the order out now.我们现在要出货了。

35.What line of business are you in?你是从事哪一行的?

36.Let's hope the business works out well.希望生意顺利。

37.May I have some money as a deposit?您可以付部分订金吗?

38.Please have a look at those samples.请给我看一下那些样品。

39.What about having a look at our products?先看一看产品吧?

40.Our margin is very thin in this order.这个订单,我们的利润非常低。

41.We're about ready to ship your order.你们的货我们差不多准备在发送了。

42.The new products is to the taste to European.这种新产品欧洲很受欢迎。

43.I think it will find a market in your market.我认为它会在你国市场上畅销。

44.How do you like the quality of our products?你觉得我们产品的质量怎么样?

45.I'd like to know any business connections abroad.我想多了解一些你们公司。

46.We have a wide selection of colors and designs.我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。

47.Heavy inquries witness the quality of our products.大量询盘证明我们产品的质量。

48.I'm eager to know if you can effect shipment in May.我很想知道你们五月份能否装运。

49.We assume all responsibility for service and repair.我们负责所有的服务和修理事情。

50.We regret that the goods you require about are not available.很遗憾你们所询货物目前没货。

51.I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you.我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。

52.We have been in this line of business for more than ten years.我们经营这一行已有十年多了。

53.We are glad to send you our latest catalog which you requested.很高兴按您的要求寄上我们最新的目录。

54.Do you have specific request for packing?你对包装有什么特别的要求吗?这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看下。

55.Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of our products.优良的质量和较低的价格有助于推销产品。

56.I am sure our business dealings will develop quickly and productivity.我相信我们的业务往来会很快发展,而且效率很高。

57.we could only accept T/T with deposit. It’s our hard and fast rule.我们只能接受电汇,而且必须有定金。这是我们的硬性规定。

58.We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market.我们一直在提高我们产品的时机水平,以满足世界市场的需求。

59.We offer you our best price,at which we have done a lot of business with other customers.我想你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。

60.I wonder if you have found that our specifications meet your requirements. I'm sure the price we submitted are competitive.不知道您认为我们的产品规格是否符合你的要求?我敢肯定我们的价格是非常有竞争力的。

81.It looks good.看起来不错。

82.The product is in stock now.现在有现货。

83.We have our own factory.我们有自己的工厂。

84.Delivery charge is on us. 运费我们可以付。

85.Are there other selling points?还有其他卖点?

86.We can deliver it immediately.我们能立即发货。

87.Tell me about your products.介绍一下你们的产品。

88.Thank you for your understanding.谢谢您的理解。

89.We have a fixed supply chain.我们有固定的供货链。

90.We are experienced in this field.我们在这个领域经验丰富。


91.What is the quality of your product?你们产品的质量怎么样?

92.We have many suppliers with good reputation. 我们有许多信誉良好的供货商。

93.May I know how you feel about machine.我能了解一下你对我们机器的看法吗?

94.To be honest,our product have the best quality.说实话,我们的产品质量是最好的。

95.How about the quality? We only need the best. 你们产品质量怎么样?我们只需要最好的。

96.Our products' prices are competitive.你们可能已经注意到了我们产品的价格很有竞争力。

97.We are the first company to sell this product in China.我们是中国第一家销售这种产品的公司。

98.Nice to meet you.I'm in China looking for supplier.很高兴认识你,我此次来中国是想找供应商。

99.You can believe us that we always sell the best products.你可以相信我们,我们只卖最优质的产品。

100.How long does it take you to deliver if we order now?那如果我们现在下单的话,交货需要多长时间?


101.As for price,our products are very competitive in China.就价格而言,我们产品在中国很有竞争力。

102.Our products can be customized according to your requirements.根据你的要求我们的产品可以定制。

103.We can provide better product quality at the same price.在同一个价格下,我们可以提供更好的产品质量。

104.You will be satisfied with our products gor good quality and design.您会满意我们的产品质量和设计的。

105.What are the advantages of your product compared to your competitors?你们的产品相比竞争对手的有什么优点?

106.If you place a big order. We can offer you a big discount.如果你现在下大宗订单,我们可以给你一个大折扣。

107.If you order now,we will arrange shipments within this week.如果你现在下单的话,我们这周就可以为你安排发货。

108.These two commodities are selling quite well and in high demand these days.这些产品近来销售得很好。

109.Before I order,I need to get in touch with my headquarter in the UK.在我下单之前,我需要和我在英国的总部联系一下。

110.The design of our product is fashionable and colorful. Youth would like it.我们产品的设计时尚,颜色丰富,年轻人会比较喜欢。


111.Compared with competing products, our products are small and light, easy to operate.与竞争产品相比,我们的产品小而轻,操作简单。

112.Quality control is really important for our company to meet customers' satisfactory.为了让客户满意,质量管理对我们公司很重要。

113.I have to say the products in China have improved very much in the past ten years.我不得不说,在过去的十年里,中国的产品有了很大的改进。

114.There are catalogs, brochures, price lists and some articles that praise our products.这儿有目录,小册子,价格表和一些称赞我们产品的杂志文章。

115.The designs aren't very eye-catching, but the quality is the best I've seen so far.虽然产品外观设计并不醒目,但质量却是我目前所见到的最好的。

116.We have five years of operating history, and supply goods to other Chinese companies for long time.我们有5年的经营历史了,并且长期提供货物给中国的其它公司。

117.We guarantee its quality, and strongly recommend this product, I ensure you will be satisfied about it.我们可以保证产品的质量,并且大力推荐这项产品,我确定你一定会满意。

118.I'm happy to hear about the quality, and I can tell you we're working on a whole new look for our products,I really hope we can do business with you.我很高兴听到您有关质量的评价,我可以告诉你我们已经着手为我们的产品设计全新的外观,我衷心希望能和你做生意。

119.About the price,we will give you full support as long as we could receive constant orders from you.关于价格,只要我们能收到您的不断订单,我们将全力支持。

120.We have sufficient inventory to meet your present needs. Delivery will be arranged in ten days.我们有足够的库存,能满足你们的需求,10天即可发货。

261.Enquiries are dwindling.询盘正在减少。

262.What about delivery time?什么时间交货?

263.How about the supply position?供应情况怎么样?

264.Please give us your best price.请给我们报最低价。

265.What about the terms of payment?以什么作为付款方式?

266.Do you offer FOB or CIF?你们报船上交货价还是到岸价?

267.Can you quote a CIF price for me?你能报到岸价格给我吗?

268.Can you shed all light on your price?我想要你们的全部报价。

269.Please make us an offer for Leather Glovers.请报皮手套的价格。

270.We'd be willing to accept your CIF price.我愿意按照到岸价交易。

271.Would you give me an offer for the good?这个货物你能给我报个价吗?

272.Could you give us some idea about your price?请介绍贵方的价格好吗?

273.I wonder if you'll offer both CIF and FOB prices.我们通常是按到岸价出口的。

274.We have extended the offer as per as your request.我们已按你方要求将报盘延期。

275.The quality must be in strict conformity with that of sample.质量必须与样品一样。

276.Would you accept orders according to our designs?能否接受裉据我们设计样式的定货?

277.Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。

278.Please send us all available data on your swimwears.请寄送有关贵司泳装产品的质料给我们。

279.Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?不知你们能不能接受在一段时间内分批交货?

280.Would it be possible for you to tell me your sales terms and conditions?你们的销售条件是什么呢?

281.We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market.我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。

282.Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods.请告知你们有关商品的最低价。

283.If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。

284.Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 300 cases.询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们300箱货。

285.My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。

286.As soon as we have any further inquiries,I'll give you a call.只要我们想做进一步的査询,我就会打电话给您。

287.We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes.本公司有意大量购买各型号钢螺钉。

288.You'll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere.你会发现我们的报价比别处要便宜。

289.I am interested in your product. It is said that your new-tech products sell good. 我对你们的产品感兴趣,听说你们的新科技产品销量很好。

290.We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices.闻悉贵公司货物质优价廉,故欲与贵公司建立合作关系。

291. In view of our good cooperation over the past few years, we are prepare to accept your price.

292.As a gesture of friendship , we accept the price of 50,000 $ for 10,000 pairs of leather shoes.

293.It’s seams there is nothing more I can do but to accept this price.

294.How about meeting each other half way and each of us make further concession so that business can be concluded.

295.I think that we should come to a compromise with each other in order to get the deal done.

296.Business is quite possible if each size makes some concessions.

297.If it is really so, we have to agree to your payment terms.

298.We’d like to reduce the original offer slightly as a compromise.

299.We may consider making some concessions in our price.

300.In order to encouraging business we are prepare to make reduction.

301.We found we can make a step further provided that quantities will be no less 1,000,000 tons.

302.To show our sincerity ,we are prepare to make you a special concession of 6%.

303.After serious consideration we can accept your counter bid.

304.Considering your substantial order we can give you this exceptionally treatment.

305.Since it is the case ,we would exceptionally comply with your request by reducing our price to 500$/piece.

306.We are please to grant you a 7% discount from the original offer since you agree to increase the order.

307.To get business under way ,we are agree to take this as an exceptional case.

308.We are prepare to reducing the price to 7.21$ .

309.10% is out the question but we are prepare to offer you 8%.

310.As a special accommodation we are agree to your D/P payment terms, but only for once.

311. We are please to give you a order for 3,000 computers in current stock at the prices you quoted.

312.We wish to order from you your products as pro-ov purchase.

313.We are pleased to place with you a order for 2,000 washing machines to be supply from current stock.

314.We wish to order from you according to this purchase order.

315.Thank you for your quotation dated May 20th. And this is our official order for 10 palace lanterns.

316.We are glad to inform you that your samples are satisfactory ,we’d like to order 4 of the items.

317.If the quality is up to our expectations we shall send further orders in the near future.

318.We find both price and quality of your products satisfactory to our client and we are pleased to give you a order for the items on this sheet.

319.We should be glad if you would accept our order for coffee whose number is No 3003.

320.We’d like to place a order with you for 1000 cases each of No77 and 100 at 5$ and 6$ /Case FOB Shanghai.

321.What is the minimum quantity of an order for your goods.

322.I am trusted to place an order for 100 sewing machines at 250$ each.

323.This is our official trial order for 500 computers.

*324.We need iron nails of all sizes.

325.If you can fill our order of 5000 ties very soon we ‘d like to place the order with you now .

326.We hoped that you can accept the order in the buyer’s design and measurement.

327.Since you are so eager to secure a order from us now we can place an order with you.

328.We will send you the order very soon ,please hurry on the execution of the order.

329.If we are satisfied with the product ,I think we will place more orders.

330.The order is so urgently required that we must ask you to make the earliest possible shipment.

331.We can now confirm you the order for 500 bed sheets and pillow cases.

332.We are glad to receive your order and confirm the acceptance for it.

333.This is the confirmation of your order place last week.

334.This is our sales confirmation confirming your order No 26 of April 10th.

335.We have booked your order No 267 for optical instruments.

336.We have accepted your order of June 10th for 300 typewriters.

337.We acknowledged your order of May 5th for 100 unit motorcycle P180.

338.We have decided to accept your order in spite of the current shortage of the goods.

339.We have now decided to supply you with all the parts as itemized in your order and going to apply to the government agencies concern for export licenses.

340.We thank you for your order of 20th May and supply you with 2,000 ties No.235.

341.You maybe assure that we shall do our best to execute the order to your satisfaction.

342.We promise to give our best tension to the execution of your order.

343.We regret that owning to the shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.

344.We feel great regret that we can no longer supply the goods you order as the production has been discontinued since last August.

345.It is hard for us supply the amount you need.

346.It is impossible for us supply 3,000 sets for the time being.

347.At present, we can not undertake to entertain your order owning to the uncertain availability of raw materials.

348.We regret that we are unable to meet your requirement for the time being as orders has been full booked.

349.We are sorry to inform you that we are not able to supply these articles for the moment.

350.We are too heavily committed to be able to entertain fresh orders.

351. We want to know if you could point us as your agent for the sale of your green tea.

352. If you are not already represented here, we should be interested in acting as your sole agent.

353.We should like to be pointed as your agent in our country.

354.We should be glad if you would consider our application to act as agent for sales of your plastic slippers.

355.If you none represented you here in London yet, we would like to act as your sole agent.

356.As we have learned from our customer Mr. Harry that you are anxious to extend your activity in our market and you are not represented at present. We would like to recommend our company as a most suitable agent for your products.

357.We are in a good position to be your sole agent.

358.We require the agency in our market for your precision apparatus.

359.We hoped that you will point our company as the soled distributor in Japan.

360.You can entrust us with the soled agency for your shirt in our country.

361.We ask to be the sole agent for your clock in our territory.

362.We’d appreciated very much if you could give us the opportunity to act for you in this city.

363.We can represent your chemical products if you agree.

364.We’d like to offer our service in the sale of your refrigerators.

365.We shall be very much pleased to act as your sole agent in China for your products.

366.We are able to work as your sole agent because we have local knowledge and wide connections.

367.We can be a good agent because we have a group of well trained salesman.

368.If we may have the honor to act as your sole agent in the sale of handy crafts in our territory . No doubts such ties will do good to expend our mutual trade.

369.If you can sign a sole agency agreements with us will double our turnover.

370.If you make us your agent in China, we will try our best to push and publicize your products.

371.We have many advantages to act as your sole agent.

372.We have sufficient canvassing abilities to be your sole agent.

373. We have enough positive experiences to act as your sole agent.

374.We trust that our experiences in foreign trade marketing will entitle us to your confidents.

375.We believe that many years of our experiences in international trade will undoubtedly meet your requirement.

376.The salesman in our company is well trained and have rich canvassing experience .

377.It is our hope that after knowing our sales ability you will consider according us the exclusive selling right for your portable cassette recorders.

378. We have 30 years experience in agency and we believe that we could work up very satisfactory in pushing the sales of your products.

379. We can assure you that we are well experienced in this line.

380. Which our rich experience in marketing your products in our city, we have the ability to increase the turnover to 50,000 $.

381. We are glad to offer you for the sale of our products in your city.

382.We have decided to offer you an appointed as our sole agent for New York.

383.Your experience in this field make us believe that you can be a good agent.

384.We feeling inclined to agree to your agency of our products.

385.We are willing to negotiate with you on your proposal to act as our agent.

386.After paying due consideration to your proposals and investigating your business standing , we have decided to appoint you as our agent in the district you defind.

387.Considering that you are experienced in promoting the sale of our crafted paper and your market still have potential, we have decide to appoint you as our sole agent in your local market.

388.We regret that we are unable to accept your proposal since we already have an agent in your area.

389.We have already appointed a Tokyo-Silk as our agent in your territory.

390.Sorry, we have already several representatives of our products in your district.

391.We have honestly consider your proposal to represent us in your city for the sale of Chinese porcelain vases and have now appointed you as our agent.

392.Your application for sole agency is now under our careful consideration , if possible we should like to know your plan to push the sale of your products.

393.I think we have to about your proposal about agency carefully.

394.Please tell us your detailed plan of sales promotion so that we may proceed with our negotiations about the terms of agency agreement.

395. Your proposal for sole agency will soon be under careful study.

396.We are not inclined to consider any questions concerning agents.

397.We are not prepare to point a agent for your district.

398.We have no intention of considering exclusive sells in your market at present

399.We are not ready yet to discuss the question of agency in the present moment.

400.Since the market situation is not known to us, we are not going to take the question of sole agency into consideration for the time being.

401.As the volume of business concluded by you is not big enough, we won’ t consider the question of agency.

402.We think it premature for us to discuss the question of agency at present stage.

403.The time is not yet mature to discussion of agency.

404.We would like to say that this initial stage contract between us , both side do not understand each other very well, so there seems to be no sufficient bases for us to negotiate agency.

405.I am afraid that this is not good time yet to push the sales of our product in your market.

406.We do not think the time is right for the discussion of the question of exclusive agency.

407.We regret to say that since there is so far no transaction concluded between us, we have to decline your quest for agency.

408.The question of agency is still under consideration and we hope you will continue your effort to push the sale of our product at present stage.

409.We shall not consider pointing you as our sole agent until your sales record justify our doing so.

410.Shall we discuss the matter of agency when your market condition turns better?

411. We can’t give you exclusive agency of the whole European market without having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover.

412. Before we know your sales volume ,your plan for promotion and import license’s conditions, it is rather difficult for us to consider your proposal.

413.We have noted your quest to act as our agent in your district, but before going further into the matter, we should like to know more about your market.

414.To enable us to make further study of your proposal, would you please let us know as early as possible the sales prospects of the item in your market ,your program in detail, your business organizations in various districts and their activities.

415.Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly point you as our sole agent.

416.If you can push the sales successfully for the next 6 month we may appoint you as our agent.

417.We feel it would be better to consider the matter of agency after you done more business with us.

418.To be our agent you need to increase your annual turnover.

419.To be our agent you are requested to push your sales of our product effectively.

420.We hope you will do your best to push the sale of our products.

421.To facilitate the extension of sales, you mush advertise our products by mean of TV and newspapers.

422. We hope that you will redouble your efforts in your sales pushing.

423.To be our agent your minimum annual turnover should be at least 8000 cents.

424.If you could agree to terms, we would point you as our sole agent.

425.If terms are workable , we think you will be just the firm we would like to have to represent us.

426.If you wish to work for other firms as well, You must obtain our permission first.

427.To be our sole agent you should not sell similar products from other manufacturers without our prior approval .

428.As our agent , you should not sell products of similar characteristic from other maker’s .We must make that very clear.

429.As our sole distributor ,you will neither handle the same or similar products of other regions nor re-export our goods outside to any other region outside your own.

430.During the validity of the agency agreement you should not handing any other foreign products of the same line and competitive types.

431.Every six month , we ‘d like to receive from you a detailed report on current market conditions and user’s comments on our products.

432.Your market report should show how big demands for our products is in your market.

433.The market report should include the trend of the development of the market , upward or downward.

434.We ‘d you to send us your sale’s statistics every six month instead of every year.

435.As our agent you should send us your market report regularly at least once every three month.

436.At the beginning of the sales promotion you have to try every means to overcome sales difficulties.

437.To effectively promote sales , your way of doing business should always comply with the constantly changing circumstances.

438.During the agency please pay close attention to the consumer’s comments on our products.

439.You are under obligation to display optimum samples of the products during the duration of the agency.

440.We hoped that you will strictly observe all the terms and condition of the agency agreement.



Bob:Hello, this is Bob. Who is that, please?

Anna: Oh,hello,Bob.This is Anna from DB company.

Bob: Hello,Anna.What can I do for you?

Anna: I just want to clear up a few details of the exhibition we're organizing.

Bob: Right.What do you need to know?

Anna: I just want to know how many companies will attend the exhibition.

Bob: So far,we got83 who booked up,and we might get a few more.

Anna: Well,you'll let me know if you get the exact number,won't you?

Bob: I'll email you as soon as I know.











A:Excuse me, but aren't you Mr. Jackson from Australia?


B:Yes. Are you Mr. Robin?


A:Yes. Here’s my business card. We’ve been looking forward to meeting you.


B:Thank you. I’m also delighted to meet you.



A:What's your best price for that item? 


B:The unit price is $12.50. 


A:I think the price is a little high. Can't you reduce it? 


B:I'm afraid we can't. $12.50 is our rock bottom price. If you purchase more than 10,000 units we can reduce it to $12.00. 



A:Mr. Smith, welcome, we are very glad you are here to meet us this afternoon.


B:Thank you very much. I am very delighted to be invited to lunch.


A:Please, come in.


B:Thank you for preparing so splendid a lunch specially for me.



A:We would appreciate your kind consideration in the next negotiation.


B:No problem. I hope we can keep a good business relationship in the future.


A:I wish a brisk business for us all and a long-time development in our business.



A: What about visiting the Great Wall this weekend? The weather is great tomorrow.

B: That's a good idea.

C: Great.

B: Could you introduce it for us?

A: OK! The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world. And nowadays it acts as not a defense against the offensive, but the precious historical relic which welcomes tourists from all over the world. And we'll know more about it through the guide's introduction.

B: When will we get out tomorrow?

A: How about 7 o'clock?

C: That's OK.


Defense n. 防御

Precious adj. 珍贵的


infrequent; precious; rare; valuable; dear


An infrequent visitor 一位稀客

Precious words 珍贵的话

Rare animals 奇异的动物;rare birds 珍禽

Valuable perfume 高贵的香料

Dear How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. 指明它的来处纯洁而珍贵。

Relic n. 估计

Historical adj. 历史的

小贴士:我们跟外国人介绍景点时,需要加一句类似“The weather is wonderful.”之类的话,另外,还要赞美一下所去景点的美丽或历史。














大家平时除了在课堂上和老师练习口语,还可以找一个专业的外教进行练习,这还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的外教可以选择,而且还有前高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。





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