托福口语task1怎么练 托福口语Task1模板分享

  • 作者:菜菜子
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:926




Shoulda city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replacethem with modern buildings? Use specific reasons to demonstrate your answer.

Personally,I’m in favor of the idea that old and historic buildings should be preserved asthey offer great value to the society. For one thing, these buildings are ofvital importance in illustrating culture, historyand tradition. In otherwords, they are the witness and symbol of a particular region’s history.Without them, people would find it hard to get to know the architectural styleof the particular region as well as the living conditions of people in oldtimes in the region. For another thing, old and historic buildings play a pivotalrole in tourism industry for some certain cities. For example, millions oftourists are rushing to the Forbidden City per year to feel the ancient China,which brings vast value to the economic enhancement of Beijing, even of China.As a result, old, historic buildings are not supposed to be destroyed.Conversely, they need to be preserved.

总体看来,本题直奔主题,条理分明,论据充足。先说出应该保护历史建筑,然后用了两个论据说明历史建筑的价值。一是历史建筑代表了文化、历史和传统,可以让人们了解特定地区特定时期的历史文化、建筑风格和人们的生活环境。二是历史建筑能推动旅游业的发展。答案中举了故宫的例子来证明历史建筑为旅游业,甚至是整个国家的经济做的贡献是巨大的。通过这两个示例,我们可以看出,在给出论据的时候可以多变换一下连接词,使答案看起来不重复、不死板,同时还能显示出词汇量。示例中用了first of all、what’smore、for one thing、for another thing, 除此之外,还有很多表示增补关系的连接词,如:besides、more importantly、moreover、in addition、on the top of it等,这些都可以用来连接论据。








很多人拿到托福口语第一题大脑一片空白,中文思维都没有,何况英文呢,其实这个也是一个积累的过程.口语和作文的准备有时有一种相似性,所以可以一起准备,当看多了范文范例,慢慢去感悟,自然也就有自己的例子和套路. 第一题的内容大多会让你谈论一些你喜欢的人,一些特殊的物品,一些特殊的事件和一些特定的地点, 答案并不一定要真实,但是一定要有理有据. 托福考试只是语言考试,不是面试,所以刚开始准备的同学一定要把思路放开.



首先强调的一点是,独立口语是一定要经过准备的,也就是说,在看到题目的时候,同学们不能再花费时间考虑题目怎么展开,而是应该马上就有思路,然后记下来你想说的提纲内容(应该也是背好的). 15秒的时间,主要记录提纲,至于开头结尾的论述,一定要在备考的时候就非常的熟练.




1. get a large amount of information

2. decrease pollution -- paper, ink

3. provide entertainment -- games, chat


As far as I am concerned, internet is the most useful tool. First of all, we get a large amount of information from it. Equally important reason is that it decreases pollution, for we won't use paper and ink any more, thus, less trees will be cut down and less river will be polluted. However, these are not the only two reasons. Internet also provides entertainment such as online games and chat. Therefore, in conclusion, I consider internet is the most useful tool.



Talk about a place you enjoyed going or visiting when you were a child. Describe the place. Explain why you enjoyed it.


When I was a child, I enjoyed going to an Internet Bar. It is still open now. It's only 5-minute's walk away from my home and is located beside the street. The internet bar is not very big--it only has two rooms and each is full of computers. In summer vacations, My friends and I usually went there early in the morning, playing various computer games such as Age of Empire, Star War and Counter Strike. The owner of the bar is a very nice person. He opened the door very early in the morning just for us. My friends and I occupied a room, sitting side by side and yelling to each other when we were playing games. It was of much fun.


平常找到一位固定小伙伴进行托福口语的练习还是比较难的,但想要提高托福口语水平和别人一起交流练习是非常重要的。小编有用过一款app:口语侠,这个软件可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的托福外教可以选择,而且这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。小编长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。



托福口语task1怎么练 ?看到这里不知道大家有没有情趣一些呢。托福口语task1虽说相对简单,但其实回答好也是不容易的哦,刚刚开始我们可能都不知道怎么回答,不过经过了不断的练习大家应该会找到这部分的方法,结合一些范文和模板,应该能给大家的备考助一份力。希望大家都能备考顺利呀!


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