托福独立口语难题汇总 独立口语难点详细分析

  • 作者:菜菜子
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:972



题干: Describe an interesting style of clothesin your country.




I would like to talk about Chipao, an interestingstyle of clothes in China. To begin with, Chipaohas a long history and reflects Chinese culture.It is originated from the traditional clothes ofManchu people, who governed the country inQing Dynasty. It is always made of expensivesilk and has many traditional Chinese patternson it such as bamboo leaves and lotus flowers.What's more, during 20th century, talented

Chinese tailors combined some western

elements with Chipao and made it more

wearable in daily life.

Since then Chipao has become one of the mostpopular traditional clothes in China. Nowadays,young women would still choose to wear brightred Chipao in their wedding and other

celebrations. And movies in which actresseswear different kinds of Chipaos are sold toeverywhere in the world.

题干: If a high school is planning to organizean after-school activity for its students, whatkind of activity would you recommend andwhy?


volunteer activity/sports/environment activity等分类话题,本题可以包容这些考生已经熟悉的内容,故难度并不是很大,这里就不展示范文了,可以给考生提供两个思路。

思路1 - organize a basketball/football/tennismatch

1. Many school work to do during daytime/get relaxed

2. Know the importance of teamwork3. The opportunity to exercise/ improvestrength and flexibility

思路2 - offer tutoring programs to students1. Some students have difficulties in study(e.g. math, physics)

2. Students from higher grades can tutorthose students and earn money

3. Give valuable experience to students whowant to be teachers

题干: Describe one type of community workyou want to take part in.

和上一题一样,独立题里的较难题型,事件题。在这类事件题里,学生非常容易陷入中文思维,会耗费时间想“我们的社区叫什么名字”“关爱孤寡老人、学雷.锋用英语怎么说",所以我们在准备的时候,要尽可能避免中文思路,尝试用最简洁、最接地气的动宾结构表达我们想做的事情。请记住,我们的评分官是美国人,他们没有义务了解中国的社区活动背景,所以用一种外国人能够听懂的,强化我们具体所做事情、弱化学校要求的方式展开答题,对考生非常重要。思路1 - take care of the elder citizens in thecommunity

1. Many old people are not in good health/clean house and do some cooking

2. They live apart from their kids so theymay be lonely/talk to them

3. Share their knowledge and life

experience with us

思路2 - plant trees and collect garbage

around neighborhood

1. The community suffers serious pollution/improve the environment

2. Get exercised when planting trees/ goodfor my health

3. Acquire knowledge of protecting theearth and share it with other people.

题干: Talk about an important decision thatyou have made. Explain why this decision isimportant to you.




I made an important decision last year

when I was about to graduate from high school.Students often face some difficulties when theyare required to choose major. For me, it waseven harder.

My parents are both successful

businessmen and they have always wanted meto take over the family owned business. So theyasked me to study finance, accounting and

related business majors. But for me, I like

Chinese novels very much and I think numbersand business are boring, so I would like to

choose to study Chinese literature. My fatherwas certainly not happy about that and we had .some arguments that time. Finally, I

surrendered to my father and chose businessmanagement major. Now it turns out it's a gooddecision because I can use the knowledge to

help my parents and I can still enjoy readingduring my spare time.

题干: Describe a person you want to learnmore about. Explain why you want to knowmore about this person.

简单题,入门题,大家都会说的人物题,但是要注意和以往常见题目的区别。人物题最常见的几种形式:<=0。和以往常见题目的区别。人物题最常见的几种形式:Describe the person you admire the most. /

Describe the most influential person in yourcommunity. / Describe the person you alwaystalk to.以及其他。无论哪一种,都是基于考生对那个人的了解展开论述。而这题,考察的恰恰是我们“不了解”、“想要了解”的部分。所以千万不要陷入惯性思维- -味地述说人物的特点,而是在讲述你了解的特点之余,穿插一部分你尚不知道但是有兴趣的信息。


The person I want to lean more about isSteve Jobs, the former CEO of the Apple

company, which produces Iphone and Ipad. Ihave two reasons. First, everybody knows thatbefore Steve worked for Apple, the companysuffered loss and none of its products was

successful. It was only after Steve became theCEO that Apple started to boom and kick othercompetitors out. So I am really interested in this .process, how his team invented Iphone and

made it successful.

Second, Steve Jobs gives perfect speeches. Hiswords“stay hungry, stay foolish”became themotto of thousands of teenagers. So I want toknow what kind of experience he had when hewas young. Maybe this will help me understandlife better. .





托福找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下小编在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让小编感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。小编长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,小编也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。





1. 如何练就地道口语表达


2. 如何针对托福考试练口语


3. 避免低级错误

大家在口语表达中一定要注意表达的准确性,注意时态、单复数和人称等等。一些低级错误,我们听起来可能觉得不是什么大问题,但是对于native speaker来说却是非常明显的错误。举个简单的例子:如果考生把“he does”说成了“he do”,“he has”说成“he have”,整句话听起来都会非常怪异。大家在平时练习一定要注意这些错误,口语练习时建议大家将自己的答案录下来,及时听录音纠正表达错误。



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