雅思口语描述人物模板 雅思口语part2范文人物类

  • 作者:菜菜子
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  • 阅读:3989



首先还是要从框架开始分析,因为框架代表了你的逻辑思维,简单举个例子,你的part 2中的话题框架如何搭建,这里呈现给大家的框架,适用于part2所有话题。然后再就part 2中的人物话题,从高分句型进行积累,我们如果去阐述述这个人是谁,跟你有什么关系,你觉得她或者他怎么样,其实就是一句话,该如何赞美这个人呗!

1. Part 2人物类题的框架:

Part 2描述要特别注意移花接木,也就是用一个准备好的核心段落来演绎很多不同的话题。要特别注意归类总结,哪些问题可以用到同一核心段落(只需要进行改写即可套用),哪些要单独准备。大家可以把大致50道题进行分类,这样你需要准备的段落可能就只有20个左右了。那本文呢,主要讲part 2中的人物题:比如你准备了描述一个老人的素材,那么这个素材你也可以用在这些topics上:你最尊敬的人,对你影响最深的人,一个成功的人,一张照片(可以是你和他一起照的),一个礼物等都可以加以灵活的套用。

其实Part 2的框架特别好构建,因为我们有个topic 本子,每个话题下面都有一些小问题,你只要根据这些小问题进行回答,再加上连接过渡性的词汇即可。



Describe an old person you respect

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you know this person

What kinds of things you like to do together

and explain how you feel about this person

Ø When it comes to the one I respect the most, I’d like to talk about my dear grandfather, a seventy - year - old man.

Ø To be honest, I don’t remember when I knew him, probably the moment when I was born. But I know a lot about him indeed. My grandpa has a very kind smile which always gives me great comfort and encouragement especially when I am depressed. my grandfather teaches me a lot. He often tells me to be brave and dare to bear the responsibility.

Ø In terms of what we’d like to do together, I think it is to turn “waste” into wealth. My grandpa can always find a suitable place for the “junk”. He often teaches me how to give in and put the "junk" in its suitable place. My grandpa has helped me to develop a habit of preserving everything,everything he thinks is useful, everything goes where it should go. Surprisingly,all these "junk" can always find their position and function fairly well(相当好地),holding small things or optimizing my bicycle so that it can operate better……

Ø And another thing is that my grandpa always sits next to me and tells a lot of interesting stories. It seems he always has many stories attracting me. So we are more like a pair of good friends. This is my grandfather, the one I respect the most. I love him.

你只要根据每一个小问题来回答即可,part 2的框架就构建好了,根据我的个人经验,当涉及到新的一方面东西时,西方人说话很喜欢用as for. When it comes to, for ,in terms of等这些。大家可以在切换不同小问题之间,用这些简单连接词进行过度。Part 2的素材你可以参考别人的素材,像七悠雅思,口语材料多种而齐全,大家都可以选择来进行这样的改写。



Describe a family member you admir.

Describe a good teacher.

Describe a person you like to stay with/talk/be similar to.



Describe  one of your best friends,

you should say:

who he/she is:

when you become good friends,

and explain why he /she is your best friend.




who is the friend/teacher/neighbour?

how does you know each other?

what is his/her special charecter?

what did you do together?

what help did he /she give to you ?

why do you like the person?

Are you still in touch with him/her?


I met my best friend while i was at university.we are roommates . At first,he scolded me for littering  the dorm with books,  but i soon found he was really a helpful person.   When i used the computer to surf the tnternet he would always lend a hand to me because i didn't know much about computers at that time.

He's humble guy,and never shows off his  knowledge, even though he knows a lot. he's sincere and doesn't midly  scold you or even himself in all the same sentence.He is usually very sociable,but sometimes he can also be a bit shy.He is good at playing football and volleyball and used to be on the school team.

I think the main reason why we are such good friends is that we  and we  have a lot common  and we both have the same kind of humor.we also always support each  other whenever we  need help .I think we are such good friends because  we don't feel we ever have to pretend around each other,and we are  really helpful to one another.

i will miss this guy a lot if i go  overseas but since we can go online regularly,i can email him,and he's  probably right there to receive it!


littering 乱丢

lend a hand 帮忙

humble 谦逊的

shows off 炫耀

sociable 友善的

have a lot common 有很多共同点


雅思找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下小编在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让小编感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。小编长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,小编也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。



四、雅思口语part2 人物类素材 


Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country.

Describe a childhood friend of yours.

Describe someone who is talkative.

Describe an interesting person you would like to meet.

Describe a teenager you know.

Describe a famous person/celebrity in your country.

接下来我们就以part2中喜剧演员这道题为例,和小伙伴们具体的分享一下人物题答题思路和准备方法。雅思口语考试中的part2只考一道题, 考生有1分钟读题+准备的时间, 然后1-2分钟时间来回答这个话题, 咱们先看题目:

Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What comedies have he/she performed

Explain why he /she is popular




段落1:总体介绍这个人(比如是谁,职业,和你的关系,认识多久,外貌或者性格相关的形容词。 );

段落2: 具体针对1-2个性格特点展开描述(这个性格特点要符合题目要求,比如喜剧演员的特点可能是sense of humor, think quickly等; 健谈的人可能是 extrovertive, open-minded 等);

段落3: 举例子 (如果描述像童年伙伴,长辈等身边的人,可以说说你和他/她一起做什么事, 什么感受; 如果是不认识的人,可以说说这个人经常和他的朋友做什么事,你看到他经常做什么事等等);

段落4: 评价总结 (对这个人的评价和感受,给身边人带来的影响,剩下哪些话没说,简单描述几句)


段落1:Comedians are popular as they bring the audience lots of laughter and enjoyment. Speaking of a popular comic actor, now I’m going to talk about Stephen Chow, a household name in my country. I started to know about him from one of of his films called “Forbidden City Cop”. Stephen has average looking whereas his great sense of humor impressed me a lot. (介绍喜剧演员是谁, 如何知道, 外貌)

段落2: in terms of Stephen’s characters, like I said earlier, he has masssive sense of humor and his genius lies in his ability to balance ten thousand jokes with simple effective story lines. From balancing the physical comedy and atmosphere, stephen repeatedly pulls off in his best films, which also explains the reason why he has got millions of fans in China. (用因果的逻辑解释周星驰幽默感: 因为幽默+很多玩笑运用于简单故事中——反复在电影中取得成功, pull off 取得成功—— 吸引众多粉丝)

段落3: every now and then, I watch some of his classic films like Flirting Scholar, God of Cookery, King of Comedy etc. You know, I just sit on the couch and watch those films with a couple of close friends at weekend from the projector. I reckon it’s really something that puts my feet up and is good form of entertainment. (举例子: 有时候,我和两个好友在家用投影仪看电影,既放松又娱乐)

段落3: Anyway, moving on to why he is so popular, Stephen Chow is not only a great comedian but a successful director and film maker. His unique style and humor has led to his box-office successes all the time. Many young adults see him as a role model and one of icons in Hongkong cinema. (不但是喜剧演员,还是导演制片人,票房成功+人们偶像)


a household name 一个家喻户晓的名字

average looking 普通长相

Forbidden City Cop 大内密探零零发

Flirting Scholar 唐伯虎点秋香

God of Cookery 食神

Comedy 喜剧

Comedian=comic actor 喜剧演员

Pull off in his best films 在他的最好电影里表现很成功

Projector 投影仪

Put my feet up=relax=unwind 放松

Box-office 票房

Role model 榜样

Icon 图标 偶像



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