雅思口语描述一个家庭成员 常考的口语内容

  • 作者:十二
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:3172




Well, talking about a family member I spent most time with ,it must be my mother .

She is not very tall ,a bit plump ,with big eyes and long curly hair .Mom has very fair skin ,and she often uses the red lipstick .My mother likes to wear blouses most of the time .I think she looks very beautiful in a red blouse .

Unlike most Chinese parents ,my mother is actually a very open-minded person .Every time I did something wrong ,she would not blame me straightaway. Instead ,she would choose to listen to my explanation first .After telling me the right

thing I should do ,she would also comfort me .

My mother is so reasonable ,and probably that’s why I like to be with her most of the time .

My mother is a painter ,so I often see her paint .Most of the time when I am with her,she will try to share the histories and stories of different schools of paintings with me .

And for the weekends ,we often go to the art galleries together .If the weather is good ,we will even go to the nearby countryside for sketching.She paints ,I take photos.

We both know that I am going to study abroad very soon ,and I can no longer spend that much time with my mother any more .I really enjoy every moment when I am with her ,and I promise my mother that I will FacrTime with her every day,show her my study life ,share with her my feelings and continue to spend time with her ,in a different way .



1. describe your personality or character

P3: 人和性格相似还是不同的人交朋友? 你觉得什么样的人算成功?什么样的性格能成功?

2. describe someone you enjoy spending time with

P3: 手机和电脑会影响和朋友的相处吗?人们喜欢和朋友还是和家人在一起?老人家愿意和朋友还是和家人在一起?中国人喜欢和朋友一起干什么?

3. describe a leader you admire

P3: 一个成功的领导具备什么要求?小孩子需要具备什么品质以后才能成为领导?

4. describe one of your best friends

P3: 容易交到朋友有什么好处?男人和女人对待友谊的区别?老板和员工不会成为好朋友是吗? 男女之间能做朋友吗?你认为为什么有的人很容易成为朋友?你觉得有几个朋友足够?朋友重要还是家人重要?

5. describe a person who once moved to live with you

6. describe a creative person that you admire

7. describe a person who has apologised to you


8. describe someone who is older than you that you admire


1. describe a big company you are interested in

P3: 大公司的好处? 大公司为什么能成为著名的?大公司和小公司相比?中国有哪些大公司?大公司生产的产品和小公司有什么不同?广告对大公司有什么影响?

2. describe an activity you do to keep fit

P3: 如何让学生保持健康生活?在你家乡有地方给大家运动吗?中国人最爱什么运动?年轻人和老年人保持健康的方式有什么不同?

3. describe an app or computer program that you often use;

P3: 在你国家什么类型的app最受欢迎?年轻人和老人用的app有什么差别?你认为父母需要限制小孩使用app或者电脑的时间吗?为什么有些人不使用app或者电脑?你认为这些apps好还是不好?

4. describe a course you want to learn


5. describe an interesting tradition in your country

P3: 你的国家有哪些传统节日?年轻人与年老人过节的区别?

6. describe an important skills you learned when you were a child

7. describe a method that help you save money

P3: 有必要教孩子省钱吗?谁应该教孩子省钱?怎样激励孩子省钱?现在谁经常浪费?有哪些方法可以帮助省钱?

8. describe something that you have shared with others (or another person)

9. describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time

P3: 你喜欢收藏旧东西吗?你的国家有没有一个东西大多数家庭都会收藏?

10. describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future

P3: 赚钱是唯一的选择基础吗?长大以后为什么想法会改变?

11. describe a product that you bought and felt happy with

P3: 人们选择什么方式购物?是不是大多数人都会选择网络购物,为什么?你认为一些shopping center有什么好处?为什么网上的东西有时更便宜?

12. describe a toy that you liked when you were a child

13. describe a piece of good news that you received

14. describe a sport you would like to try for the first time

15. describe a song that means something special to you

16. describe a photo you like most


17. describe an interesting animal 


那么想要到达bai雅思口语7分的水平,需要du掌握多少词汇量呢? 其实相比较听力、阅读和写作来说,口语对词汇量的要求是最低的。 通常来说,能够使用英语进行日常表达的口语水平,词汇量在3000左右基本上就已经足够。 那么为什么拥有5000+的词汇量,雅思口语还是这么烂呢? 这就涉及到个人的英语思维和对词汇的把握程度了。



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