2019雅思考试真题及答案 雅思历年考试真题

  • 作者:海月深深
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  • 阅读:2555



2019年1月5日 雅思听力考题回忆

Section 1

场景:job application


内容概述:没有提及具体应聘什么工作 主要讲个人信息和先前工作经验

Section 2





11. B house of poor area

12. D rented accommodation

13.B people are asleep

14 E people think they can put out the fire by themselves

15. C candle

16. E overload electricity

Section 3

场景:market research for Portlands Clothing Company


内容概述:本文讲述了两个学生和一个教授讨论他们跟Portlands 公司合作做市场调查的结果以及老师对他们presentation的建议


21. C Portland公司存在问题:unsystematic

22. B为什么两位同学被选中感到很幸运 Portaland share information

23. B arrangement for upgrade database

24. C database最大的问题 有些公司的数据被输入好几次

25. A Portland被appreciate的原因:good customer relationship

26. A 公司需要做的improvement


27. B react negatively

28. D massage has to be short

29. check timings

30. creativity

Section 4

标题:Lost written words


内容概述: 本文介绍了古代几种消失的文字


31.sample 需要大量sample



34. context

35 text

36 oldest

37 circle



Passage 1

题目: Reef Fish Study



文章开篇介绍研究切入的角度有大小/速度等多个要素, 介绍bigger means better的理论,但是在开头段以疑问句结尾,并没有给出准确的回答。以及该理论对于prey的好处,及prey和predator的关系。

介绍reef fish的三个人生阶段。


1. Research have concentrate on the importance of speed. True

2. Not given

3. False

4. Full developed fist has a slower swimming speed than Juvenile. False

填空题(Life cycle)

5. open ocean

6. reef


new moon

artificial light

mouth size


Passage 2

题目: corporate social responsibility

题型: 标题配对6+判断题3+选择题3


目前很多企业面临问题,文章讲CSR如何帮助他们指导这些问题。企业和社会之间是相互依赖与促进的关系。文章后三段分别用GE,Microsoft和 whole food market 三个企业为例展示CSR在企业运营中的体现。


23. C(health)

24. C

25. A(GE)

26. B(Microsoft)

Passage 3

题目:Let`s be friends


文章主旨(social network):


第二段:以musical business为例








一、考试概况:S1出现了日期、地址两道基本功,注意日期和地址大写, 混合题型,需要留出合理的读题时间。S2虽为新题,但属常见场景,词汇均出自听力场景词汇。S3话题词汇较学术,多选题需要快速定位信息,填空题注意读字数要求,注意拼写和开头大写。S4略难,生僻词汇容易干扰定位,需要预测发音,但答案词简单,均在高频词范围内。注意单词的单复数。


Section 1




1-2)table completio

Gym Membership card

Date of birth: 1. 24 August 1979 

Address: 20, 2. Fox Lane, Surfers Paradise

Home line: 33784150

3-4)multiple choices

3. What is the reason for Jane choosing yearly payment option

A. to save money

B. to get a free gift

C. to become fitter

4. What is Jane doing in July this year?

A. go on holiday

B. travelling on business

C. getting marries


A. She might be interested in the future

B. She is interested now

C. She is not interest at all

5. Group fitness session – C

6. General weight training – C

7. Group fitness in a pool – B

8. Swimming – A

9. Sauna – C

10. Child minding – A

Section 2




11-15)multiple choice

11. 社会的aim: a mind-like people

12. last meeting 做了什么事情: finance plan

13. 不再用school hall 的理由:选项有not available ; size (正确选项待回忆)

14. what social committee would like members to do ?选项有:让会员帮助组织活动;invite their friends and relatives to join in; 让会员帮助设计未来的活动(正确选项待回忆)

15. How to save money? 选项有:办理一年制会员(正确选项待回忆)

16-20)matching (新题内容仅供参考)

A. documentary … shown

B. non-members are welcomed

C. free snacks…

D. suitable clothing

E. donation of the money

F. chairs can be brought

G. transportation provided by the…

16. wild walk:带点钱捐

17. (正确选项待回忆)

18. 看鸟

19. (正确选项待回忆)

20. state library

Section 3




21-23)Multiple Choices

What following content did they decide to include in the assignment?

21. C some slides of the presentation PPT

22. E short group discussion

23. F some questions


24. woman said the assignment should focus on environmental issues

25. petrol usage will decline while using alternative energy

26. battery hydrogen

27. they need to consider room/space to store CO2

28. pay attention to safety regulations

29. disadvantages: it is too expensive

30. the design of engine should be included

Section 4

场景:Jomon (绳文:日本新石器时代文化)



31. Jomon’s booming population in Japan is from 10,000 BC (绳文人丁兴旺是从公元10,000开始的)

32. Jomon men entered Japan through a land bridge by hunting animals(绳文人因打猎从陆桥进入日本)

33. Temperature rise leads to growth of forests and food(气温升高导致森林和食物的增多)

34. Jomon’s major food were plants, nuts and fish(绳文人的主要食物是植物、坚果和鱼)

35. Jomon men’s main form of weapon is arrows(绳文人的主要武器是箭)

36. Jomon people lived in the rounded building holding 50 people in southwest(绳文人住在西南部的可容纳50人的圆建筑里)

37. Jomon men used pairs of stones to prepare food(绳文人用成对的石头准备食物)

38. In the Early and Middle Jomon period, the population grew rapidly(在早期和中期的绳文时期,人口在迅速增长)

39. In the end of the Jomon period,traditions of marriage ceremony were also recorded(在绳文末期,结婚仪式的传统被记载下来)

40. Dominated crop in the final Jomon period was rice(绳文末期的主要作物是水稻)



Describe a trip that you plan to go on soon/in the near future

You should say:

Where do you want to go

Who would you like to go with

What would you do there

And explain why you would like to go there

Well, I would like to describe a place that I want to go in the future, that will be the Bumbum island in Malaysia. This place, I think you may not very familiar with, it’s not like world famous, But you know what, it is a must-goattraction in Malaysia.

One amazing thing about the Bumbum island is that some people who went there before said the view there is just out of this world. So, hm...if possible, I would like to go there with my family maybe next year,by taking the plane of course, because it’s not that pricey for the ticket to go there.I,m thinking maybe during one of the holidays like the National Day Holiday, because everyone in China gets 7 days off. So I could take the advantage of that period of time

Talking about what I would do there, you know, there’s one thing Iwould definitely do, which is taking the helicopter, and going on a panoramatour of the island. I know this because one of my friends who has been therebefore and posted like tons of photos on social media. When I saw those photos,the awesomeness really took my breath away. You know even saw those photos I got goose bumps all over me. The water, the sky, the bush and the cottage,everything is just spectacularly beautiful, and indescribably amazing.

So, I would like to go there in the near future and I believe I would have an amazing time. Thank you, that’s all I wanna talk about today.



作文主题:The bar chart shows the distribution of employment among agriculture, services, industries in three countries in 1980 and projected distribution in 2020.



In some cities, there are few controls over the design and construction of new homes and office buildings, so people can build in whatever style they like. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages ?




Since diversity has arisen a fierce discussion among the group who wants to be different from others, and the distinctive aesthetics is being chased by more people, especially in some modern metropolises, which is reflected in the design of most building. I believe this can bring both benefits and drawbacks to the development of the cities.

The freedom of selecting the styles could make the society more diverse, which can embrace a variety of artists to come in and decorate the city with their talents; such phenomenon would be an effective way to promote the development of local culture and stimulate the competition between different artistic groups to inspire a more prospective cultural atmosphere. Besides, conducting the certain style in our buildings can be regarded as a release of our nature and personalities, about which most young people care in the modern world. And no one can deny that the sense of satisfaction brought by living in the building with our preference would not be replaced by other things.

However, the disadvantages in the society are looming. Nowadays, the city planners pursue a unified style in constructing an area, and the top concern for them is whether the new buildings could fit in the old ones, which might make the city look better in general, but contradicts the thoughts of former group mentioned. In addition, if a great number of styles were applied, it would have been harder and increased the cost for the later work of protection and maintenance.

In conclusion, what kind of styles people choose has both advantages and disadvantages, and the government should take different views into consideration, because to make our city better is the mutual purpose; to a certain extent, it can bring positive and unexpected results to give residents some freedom to meet their demands.










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