托福口语人物话题 托福口语中的人物类话题

  • 作者:橘子
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  • 阅读:1044




(1)信任下级:鼓励讲真话/show confidence in team-members

(2)赏罚分明:制度面前人人平等/be equal to everyone without showing favor to any particular one

(3)努力学习、勤奋工作:给大家做榜样/work hard to inspire people

(4)鼓励下级:encouraging to team-members Etc

Sample answer: (为了方便阅读,将每个小点分别列出)

Well, first of all, I think, a good leader should be encouraging enough.

For example, I had a boss, Jason, who used to say,”You are a capable young man, I know you can do it well” whenever I was not confident enough with my job. With his encouragement I was so successful in my job and became a team leader in 6 months.

Also, I believe a good leader should set good examples for all team-members. I remember my boss Jason used to workharder than any of us who were working with him in a team, even though he was the boss. We were so moved by what he did, and everybody followed his suit. So we were the most efficientteam.

That's why I still remember Jason as my best boss till today.



eg. 父亲

(1)生活俭朴:live a simple life

(2)敬业精神:work hard and diligent

(3)乐于助人:be helpful to others

Please refer to the sample answer in your lecture handout (请参考讲义中的范例)

3.描叙你的好朋友要有什么样的 characteristics?

(1)热心:always help me when needed

(2)有趣:在一起不觉得闷 tell jokes

(3)知识丰富:tell things that I don't know

Sample answer:

In my point of view, I like to stay with an honest friend. I see honesty as the most important part of a friend because no one likes to hang around with a liar.

Also, I like my friends to be helpful just like my friend Tony. You know, I am bit weak with my math. Tony often spends his spare time explaining to me those difficult math problems. As a result I am doing pretty well in my math exams.

What's more, I like to stay with interesting friends. Tony is a lot of fun. He knows so many jokes that you can laugh yourhead off when you crack jokes with him.



amicable, amiable, benign 友好友善的,亲切的,aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的,dynamic 生机勃勃的,enthusiastic 热心的,faithful 守信的,忠诚的,frank 坦率的,forceful (性格)坚强的,honest 诚实的,humorous 幽默的,independent 有主见的,industrious 勤奋的,trustworthy 可信赖的,sincere 真诚的,motivated 有动力的,responsible 负责任的,determined 坚定的,persevere 坚持不懈的,cooperative 合作的,strong-willed 意志坚定的



1.Being Humorous


It occurs to me that Mr. Bean is the person who always makes me laugh. Mr. Bean rarely speaks, but his exaggerated/odd facial expressions usually make me burst into laughter. He usually misbehaves himself, for example, he once drops his coffee on a man’s laptop and then lets someone else take the blame. Besides, his ignorance of what’s going on around him also appears to be funny to me. For instance, in one scene, while Mr. Bean is driving, he falls asleep at the wheel.

I keep several Mr. Bean series in my computer, and when I feel upset or low, or want to have a study break, I usually open the files and watch a few episodes. His zany behaviors never fail to make me laugh.

(备注:素材中选取的人物是Mr. Beans,大家在练习的时候,针对不同的题目,可以把人物换成不同的对象,比如my father,my friend等等)


What kind of movie do you like most? Explain why you like this kind of movie. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

While choosing a friend, which of the following characteristics do you care about most: honesty, loyalty or sense of humor? Explain why this characteristic is the most important to you.

Talk your family member which has similar traits as you. Describe that trait.

Talk about a person you enjoy talking with.

Describe your favorite movie star or singer.

2.Being Considerate


He is a very considerate and caring person. For example, once I suffered from an intense stomachache, although he had something urgent at hand, he took me to the hospital immediately after he had learnt my illness. I’m still full of appreciation when I recall that moment.


Describe the characteristic of a good teacher and don’t forget to include some details and examples in your response.

What’s the most important quality a good neighbor should have? Include reasons and details to support your response.

What qualities should a leader have? Include details and examples in your response.

Is that good to feed a dog or a cat. What can you benefit from such an experience?

Choose a quality you think makes someone a valuable member of a team. Explain why you think it is an important quality for a team or group member to have.

Describe the person you asked for help once, and explain how you solved your problem.



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