英语口语对话场景20篇三分钟 学习英语口语练习技巧
- 作者:小然
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一、 英语口语对话场景20篇三分钟
①W:Hey,Rainy.What are you thinking about?
R:I want to have a travel after this final exam.But I don’t know where to go.Do you have any good idea?
W:Eh,I have ever been to many places for a visit.And some of them are really beautiful.
R:Great. Can you tell me which is the most beautiful place?
W:Eh,It is hard to say where is the most beautiful place.First can you tell me what kinds of travel do you like to have?
R:I’d like to visit some places in our own country.
W:long-time trip or short-time trip?
R:About a week.
W:Well.Have you ever been to Hangzhou? The 10 sceneries of West Lake are very famous.
R:That really a beautiful place.But I have been there with my friends last time.Any other place?
W:How about Hainan?
R:Hainan?Have you ever been there?
W:No,never.But my friend tell me that is a beautiful city.There is a beautiful sea there. I have looked forward to go there for a long time but haven’t have a chance.
R:Oh,I like it.I think the combinations of wind,sand and sea must be very fascinating. We can go swimming every day.Why not go together?
W:Good idea.Well.We can enjoy the beautiful ocean scenery ,the tasty seafood, the fresh coconut juice and the friendly people there. R:Terrific.I decide to go there.
W:Now let’s decide the means of transportation,what about taking the tyain.
R:That sounds great ,we can save a lot of momey and enjoy the landscape at the same time.
W:Where should we live while traveling ?
R:A hotel ,I’ll order it certainly ,I’ll combine the price with condition in the Internet.
W:Ok,let’s make a date and go there for a visit together.
②A:Hi, B. This is A. How are you doing lately?
B:Nothing special. What's up?
A:I'm calling to ask you if you want to come to D's Christmas party on the 22nd.
B:December 22nd? What day is it?
A:It's next Friday.
B:Well, I'm not sure if I'm in Taipei that day. I have a customer coming to Taiwan next Wednesday and I'll have to take him to Tainan to visit our warehouse. When do I have to decide?
A:Well, the sooner the better.
B:Okay, I'll call back to you. What will the party begin?
A:At 8:30. At D's house. You know where it is?
A:Ok. I will tell this to D. See you then.
Friday is coming.
C:D, what are you doing?
D:I am looking for the bells and trying to decorate the house for the Christmas party tonight before A gets home from the mart.
C:The party is tonight? Oh my good. I totally forget about it.
D:Yeah. Can you do me a favor?
C:Sure. What is it?
D:Can you pass me the hammer on the table? I need it to nail the wreath on the door.
C:Here you go. What else can I help?
D:Sure. Can you put the candy cane on the doorway and then hang these color balls,bells and ribbons on the tree?
C:No problem. But where is the mistletoe?
D:Still in the box. Why?
C:I'd like to hang them first.
D:Hoping to be kissed?
C:You bet.
二、 学习英语口语练习技巧
1:记单词 在平时的生活交流中,真正用的词其实很少,有人统计过,才300来个,比我们中国少多了。主要体现在说自己,说别人,说事,谈社交这几个方面。这些非常常用的词都要求我能背下来,非常的熟悉,手到擒来。
2:进行组词(串词) 也就是按照英语口语习惯把词组合起来.应该学习这些方面的句子或句式。此外,还要弄清楚英语口语中经常使用的动词时态。
3:注重发音 发音是我们中国人最大的一个问题,要因地制宜,学自己可能会到或是使用到的地方的口语,如果都没有,可以选择美式或是英式,不要南腔北调的乱学一通,到时就是谁也听不懂的四不像。学习英语口语必须把握好音。发音要注意: 1、长元音和双元音饱满; 2、短元音急促有力; 3、连音; 4、略音和咬舌头。略音第一条规则:以某音结尾的单词同音开始的单词--只发一次即可!第二条规则:以[t],[d],[k],[g],[p]和[b]+以辅音开始的单词。前面的发音“点到为止”,舌头达到发音中位,但不送气!腔调也是非常重要的。腔就是指我们我们在说话时的轻重,声调的高低变化,就像唱歌一样,词一样,没跟上节奏或是节奏完全不对,用我们中国话说就黄了。这也是我们中国人说英语不地道最重要的一个方面。此外,我们有条件的话还可以到国外,找英语的外国朋友,到英语角等等,都可以使我们的英语得到很大的提升。
四、 练好英语口语app推荐
看了那么多英语口语有关的题型,同学们一定迫不及待地想要练习口语来提高自己的口语水平了吧。所以小编今天就给大家分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的外教可以选择,而且还有口语高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟口语考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。