雅思口语换题题库多久能出 雅思口语part2话题范文
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一般是考试的前后几天会出题库。如5月9日第一场考试前后,即5月8日或者10日应该就能有大致的题库,但可能会缺少两三道题目,具体用词也会跟考试时真正的题目存在细微差别(主题绝 对一致)。但基本能用,比较适合打算参加5月16日或者5月21日考试的同学。5月第二场考试之后,就会有精校版的题库出来。此后再出新题的概率微乎其微,题库可能会在具体词汇上稍加调整,但整体不会再有变动。
I wake up early in the morning and then walk for an hour every day. After that I swim in the nearby river for about 30 minutes and then I start my day. Waking up very early and then doing the physical exercise is the healthy habit I have developed from the early stage of my life. I remember my father insisting us to wake up very early and then took us to the nearby high school ground for exercise. Nowadays, I wake up from bed at around 5:30 am and wear my exercise trousers and the pair of shoes. Then I start walking along with the road that has passed beside the river. The fresh air in the morning is very healthy for health. Sometimes I take my bicycle and instead of walking, I ride my cycle. I started doing this early morning exercise and swimming few years back but nowadays 2 of my friends and cousins accompany me almost every day. They enjoy doing the exercise very much. The morning is a time when the air and environment remain fresher than anytime of the day. So breathing the fresh air, doing the exercises and finally swimming in the fresh water is definitely a very healthy habit. A sound mind lies on a sound body and this habit that I adopted is pretty helpful for keeping a sound health and sound mind.
参考范文:Describe a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative to do something
1. What can young people teach old people? 年轻人能教给老年人什么?
Well, how to use and make most of new technology, first of all. I mean using a computer or a smartphone, which can be a problem for the old without somebody's help. What is more, I think the young can teach the elderly to try new things, have fun and enjoy the moment as this is what they do themselves all the time. I would also add to the list of lessons such things as being diverse, noticing and enjoying the little things, laughing every day and. of course, fulfilling dreams as all this can make twilight years pleasant and enjoyable.
2. Do you think anything can be learnt by studying hard? 你认为通过努力学习能学到什么吗?
Well, I would say more likely yes than no because our intelligence is not fixed but trained as all other muscles we have, and the more we struggle, the better results we get. On the other hand though, there are specific subjects that require innate skills or talent. The good news is that there are not many subjects like this. So, yeah, studying hard can help us master almost any skills, to my mind.
3. What kind of people are good at teaching? 什么样的人擅长教学?
Well, I guess, first of all, knowledgeable and competent as it's really important for a good teacher to be able to answer all students' questions accurately and lay a good foundation for mastering the subject. I also think people good at teaching are imaginative and innovative, I mean able to break monotony as well as get students excited to learn the subject and take lively participation in the class. What else? Oh, they are interactive, for sure, doing their best to develop students' creative self-expression communicative skills, and, of course motivating to spark students to use their knowledge whenever possible.
小编觉得雅思口语找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。下载注册口语侠app后,一定要输入我的推荐码:ZXN0GT,可以免费获得10分钟的练习时长。不过大家在跟外国人练习雅思口语的时候,我有2个建议:1是提前准备一个话题,带着话题去跟他们练习能让你学到很多地道的表达;2.是不一定非要选择欧美的老外,像有些南非、菲律宾的也很专业,练习口语也不错。