为什么喜欢吃辣英语口语 雅思口语part2喜欢的食物

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Spiciness is one of the five flavors, but it's actually chemicals (such as capsaicin, gingerol and gingerol) that stimulate cells to create a tiny, burning sensation in the brain, which is not perceived by the taste buds as taste, but as pain. So in fact, whether it's the tongue or any other organ in the body, wherever there are nerves that can feel it, you can feel it.

In other words, the addiction to spicy food is actually part of the brain's reward mechanism for getting used to it


Favorite food

You should say:

What kind of food do you like?

How do you feel after eating it?

Do you know how to cook it?

My favorite food is Pakistani food and my favorite dish in Pakistani food is Biryani. I like to eat Pakistani food because I have been eating it since my childhood and I am fond of eating spicy food. I have been to many countries in this world and I have tried many things, but still I consider Pakistani food to be my favorite food. Some people like to eat things which are expensive and they feel that the things which they eat or like are recognized worldwide, but I have different opinion. I like to eat things which are delicious and the food which I have been eating since my childhood.


I remember that once I was feeling very sad, and I did not want to eat anything at all but then as I saw Biryani I started feeling hungry. There are times when I am not even feeling hungry, and I start eating Biryani the moment I look at it. I feel very good after eating Biryani. It is so mouth-watering and scrumptious that sometimes I eat it in high quantity.


Some people think that only girls should be the one who should be cooking, but I think boys should also know how to cook the food. I learnt making this dish and it was a unique kind of experience. I never thought that cooking was so fun, and now whenever I want to eat Biryani I prefer to make it myself. I believe that you should also try it out someday as most people in my country love it so much.





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