雅思口语理想的工作话题 雅思口语职业话题

  • 作者:睡神
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  • 阅读:2975




I would like to work as a senior secretary in the education ministry of the Government. This position requires a very talented person with experience who would be able to take necessary steps to take the education sector ahead. Mainly I want to work in this position to contribute to the education sector of the country. A comprehensive training on our education system and various aspects of the education ministry would be required. Apart from training some experience on education sector would be required as well.

This job does not pay a big salary but if someone wants to contribute for the advancement of the country, s/he would have plenty of opportunities to serve the nation by working in this position and improving the most important sector of the country.

I feel the necessity of putting the utmost importance in the education sector and I know how changing the policy and rules in education sector can contribute towards the betterment of the whole nation. I am attracted to this job not because the salary, power or the facilities it would offer rather for the opportunities it would offer to serve the nation and in the most important part of the nation.

Similar Cue Card Topics:

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

Describe a fascinating job that you heard about

Describe a job or work you have worked or know about

Describe a challenging job you know about

Describe a career or job you want to have

Describe your dream job

Describe a job you think is interesting



 Part 1基本题:

 Are you a student or do you work?

 What is your job?

 Why do you choose this type of job?

 Do you love your job at the moment?

 Is there anything you dislike at your job?

 Will you change your job if you were given thechance some day?

 Part 2话题:

 Describe an important job in your country(重要的工作)

 Part 3考题:

 Do you think some jobs are more important than others?

 Do you think people who are doing unpleasantjobs should be paid more?

 How do young people choose career these days?

 Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?

 Why do some say they cannot work in the samecompany for too long?


 1. 关于“Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?”, 答案显而易见,无非是“parents”, “school”,以及“social resources” etc.

 The explanation for parents:

 In China, it is a usual practice that parentsalways shoulder the responsibility to planthe careers for their children. They claim that they know their children wellenough to decide what kind of job suits them. Some of the parents hope theirchildren to do some high-pay jobs, which will set them in higher social statusand economic benefits. Others even expect their children to take over thecareers of their fathers. You know, family business is really common in China.

 The explanation for school:

 In the graduating periodfrom university, there’s a large amount of senior students would face to huntfor a job in the following time. Almost in every Chinese university, seniorstudents can seek help from the career guidance subject. Students would betrained to make a CV and practiced to perform perfect in the future interview.

 The explanation for socialresources:

 Social resources, whichrefer to networks and media, are also an important approach in modern society. Nowadays,Internetis widely accepted among the young. People just need to type in somekey words of career interest, and then millions of job positions will presentthe information. Besides, in these websites, there still many templates beenprovided to job hunters to make a perfect CV.

 2. Why do some people say they cannot work inthe same company for too long?

 这道题是典型的Part 3个人观点题。考生需在较短的时间内,罗列出“跳槽”的理由,的确存在一些挑战。以下,我们分别来分析“终身职业”及“跳槽”各自的好处与坏处。

 Alwayswork in the same company


 it is more possible to get a promotion

 fullydeveloped in the certain area

 can earn respect from “late comers”


 it is so boring to do the repeated work

 people who always doing the same work will losepassion gradually

 Changefor different jobs


 people can get higher pay and higher positionfrom the right change


 frequent change would lead to a crisis of trust

 job-hopping is risky





2、 interesting new:

如果我们平时稍微关注下新闻,我们就会明白生活中处处都是interesting news。注意此处的 interesting 不一定是好笑的,只要是自己觉得有趣就可以讲。比如:对于李嘉欣大婚花费1亿元,你怎么看?问题的关键不在于你讲了什么,而在于你能不能自圆其说。



 my favorite book is 《Harry Potter》。事实上,除了哈里·波特之外,我们真的无书可读了吗?太多了,既可以讲中国的四大名著,比如《水浒传 》(All men are bothres),也可以提到国外的经典名著,比如温总理最喜欢的《沉思录》(Meditation);既可以讲小说,如《简·爱》,也可以讲哲学,如苏格拉底的书《理想国》(The Republic);既可以讲纯正英语背景的,如《格列佛 游 记 》《Gulliver’s travel》,也可以讲其他的背景 ,如《挪 威 的 森 林》(Norwegian Wood)。总之,雅思口语需要厚积薄发。


要想一次过雅思口语,找个外教练习一下口语,可以更好地纠正发音。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。





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