拜访过但不想住的家雅思口语 2021雅思口语新题介绍
- 作者:菜菜子
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- 阅读:1311
Describe a friend’s home you visited but you don’t want to live there.
You should say:
Where the home is
Who this person is
What kind of home it is
And explain why you don’t want to live there
I had a friend in university called Roy. He was a nice, pleasant and intelligent man, actually. A bit older than me. He lived in a flat not far from campus. I used to visit him often because we shared similar interests in books, music and sports. He also helped me a lot with my studies, as he was really smart and enjoyed helping others. But his home was so messy and dirty – it was unbelievable really how messy and dirty it was. He knew it too, and admitted it, and said he just couldn’t organise himself and hated cleaning. It was an interesting home, I must say, with loads of books, ornaments and old paintings and wall hangings and things. I did enjoy my visits to Roy’s house, just that it was so unclean and dusty I was always sneezing when I was there. He also had two cats, a certain breed of cat that always leaves a lot of hair on the chairs and carpet. They were constantly molting. He didn’t seem to care, but I think this might have been the reason I was sneezing a lot – a sort of allergy to cat fur maybe. Anyway, I liked the design of the flat, it had high ceilings, wooden floors, a huge balcony with plants on it, and a very spacious and functional kitchen – except he never did any washing up so it was impossible to cook in it! So, all in all, you can see why I didn’t want to live there and would never live in an apartment like that or with someone so messy.
本题属于新题首次出现。这一年来的雅思口语题目趋于具体化,主要的表现就是其实题干本身并不陌生,但是会加入一些非常具体的限定词,比如本题的you don’t want to live there. 那么考生在讲述故事的时候,就需要讲出不想住在那里的原因是什么,比如朋友的家非常脏乱差,比如这个房子的地理位置并不好等等。
messy and dirty:这两个词往往成对出现,属于近义词,mess本身是名词,意思是混乱。比如What a mess! 实在是太脏乱了!
organise himself:字面意义就是整理自己,让自己保持一个良好状态。
breed:品种,a certain breed of cat,猫的一个品种
二、2021 雅思口语新题介绍
Part1 新题
1. Decoration
1) What is your home’s decoration?
2) What kind of decoration do you want to have?
3) Do Chinese people like redecorating their home?
4) What’s your favorite color when you decorate your home?
2. Museum
1) Do you like visiting museums? Why?
2) How often do you visit museums?
3) Are there any museums in your hometown?
4) Do you think there should be more museums in your hometown?
3. Plants
1.Do you like trees?
2.Are there many important trees in your country?
3.Do you like plants?
4.Have you ever grown any plants?
http://5.In China, do people give plants as gifts?
(1) What kind of trees do people usually plant in your country? How
about your hometown?
(2) Have you ever planted trees?
(3) What kinds of trees do you plant?
(4) Do you like planting trees? Why?
5. Flowers
1)Do you like flowers?
2)What is your favorite flower?
3)Do you think flowers are important?
6. Bargain
(1) Where can you bargain? Why?
(2) How do you bargain?
(3) Do Chinese people bargain?
(4) What do you think of bargain?
1)How often do you wear jeans?
2)Do you like wearing jeans, why?
3)Why do you think jeans are popular?
4)Do you spend a lot of money on jeans?
8. Taking a rest
(1) How often do you take a rest?
(2) Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?
(3) How do you feel after taking a nap?
(4) Is it important for you to take a rest every day?
9. Time management
1) Do you think planning is important for time management?
2) would you say you manage your time well?
3) Do you think it’s useful to plan your time?
4) Do you think young people and old people organize their time in the
same way?
5)Where did you learn how to organize your time?
10. New Year
1) How do you usually celebrate the New Year?
2) Is New Year celebration important to you?
3) Can you briefly describe your most unforgettable experience about
the celebration of the New Year?
1) How often do you read?
2) Do you have many books at home?
3) Do Chinese people do enough reading?
4) What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don't?
12. Farming
1) Have you visited a farm?
2) What can you do on a farm?
3) Do you think farming is important?
4) Are there any farms in your hometown?
Part2&Part3 新题
1. 生病经历
Describe an illness or a disease you suffered from.
You should say:
What it was
When and where this happened
How you felt bout it
And explain how you recovered from that.
1) Compared to the past, is it easier for people to get ill now?
2) Who are more likely to get illness?
3) What does your government do to encourage people to lead a
healthy lifestyle?
4) Do you think people in your country have taken enough responsibility
for their own health?
2. 喜欢的电脑游戏
Describe a computer/phone game you enjoyed playing in your
You should say:
What it was
When you played it
Who you played it with
And explain how you felt about this game
1) Why do more and more young people like playing electronic games?
2) What will happen if teenagers spend too much time playing
computer games?
3) Should parents and teachers prevent children from playing games?
4) What are the benefits of playing electronic games?
3. 告诉朋友实情
Describe a time when it was important to tell your friend a truth
You should say:
Who is your friend
When it was
What it was
And explain why do you feel it’s important to tell your friend the truth
1) Do you think we should tell the truth at all times?
2) How do you know when others are telling lies?
3) Which do you think it’s more important to win the game,being
honest in sports or follow the rules
4. 童年玩具
Describe a toy you got in your childhood You should say:
What it wasWhen you got it
How you got it
And explain how you felt about it
1) What toys are popular with kids in China today?
2) Some people think that children today have too many toys. What do
you think?
3) Do you think playing with electronic toys has a good influence on
4) Do you think parents should encourage their children to share their
toys with other kids?
诚然,雅思口语评分很重要的一个标准是pronunciation,但考官不变态(至少大部分不变态),不会以native speaker的标准评判大家。其实,多拿0.5在口语部分很简单,秘诀就是以下几点:
很多同学可能会觉得老外讲话的时候听起来、看起来都特别夸张特别生动,就是因为他们不但语调抑扬顿挫,而且手势狂多,整个人很high。这也是我们在口试时要学习的。想想看,考官坐在同一个考场,连续两天要听上百个考生回答同样的一些问题,他们也很无聊,所以我们要做的,就是用我们有激情的语调和丰富的手势去打动他们,当然,用一些简单的反义疑问句跟考官互动是最简单的办法,比如,is it? Do you think so?
同学们,如果你有丰富的个人经历和你所热爱的东西,抓住任何时机告诉考官吧。考官不想听学生腔的冗长,他们想知道你除了定语从句和倒装之外,还向往伦敦的Heathrow Airport,或者热爱莎士比亚,出国之后除了学习之外,还想坐London Eye鸟瞰全伦敦醉人的夜景(有雾也没关系)。总而言之,如果你喜欢新事物,热爱冒险,你就有能力搞定考试中的变化。
以上两点可能侧重的是口语的第一、二部分,即 daily conversation& individual long run,对于考试的第三部分,two-way discussion,更重要的是良好的语言功底和逻辑。
在逻辑方面,试着用 there are many reasons why I believe this should happen; it depends 或 I’m not really sure about this, but maybe I can share with you my personalstory over this issue等开始你的回答,然后用写作中学来的顺序连接词把整个答案串联起来,you just have to sound logical, and it’s really easy!
雅思口语考试的话题涉及非常的广泛,几乎生活中见到的事物、事件都可以考查,因此雅思口语话题的大量练习是必不可少的,雅思口语找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。