托福tpo57阅读答案解析 托福阅读十大题型介绍
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Pests and Pesticides
Around 1870, a little fruit-eating insect arrived in San Jose, California, on some nursery stock shipped from Asia. The pest, which became known as the San Jose scale, quickly spread through the United States and Canada, killing orchard trees as it went. Farmers found that the best way to control the scale was to spray their orchards with a mixture of sulfur and lime. Within a few weeks of spraying a tree, the insect vanished completely.
Around the turn of the century, however,farmers began to notice that the sulfur-lime mixture was not working all that well.A handful of scales would survive a spraying and eventually rebound to their former numbers.In Clarkston Valley in Washington State,orchard growers became convinced that manufacturers were adulterating their pesticide. They built their own factory to guarantee a pure poison, which they drenched over their trees, yet the scale kept spreading uncontrollably.An entomologist named A. L. Melander inspected the trees and found scales living happily under a thick crust of dried spray. Melander began to suspect that adulteration was not to blame.In 1912, he compared how effective the sprays were in different parts of Washington.In Yakima and Sunnyside, he found that sulfur-lime could wipe out every last scale on a tree, while in Clarkston between 4 and 13 percent survived. On the other hand, the Clarkston scales were annihilated by a different pesticide made from fuel oil, just as the insects in other parts of Washington were. In other words, the scales of Clarkston had a peculiar resistance to sulfur-lime.
Melander wondered why. He knew that if individuals eat small amounts of certain poisons, such as arsenic, they can build up an immunity. But San Jose scales bred so quickly that no single scale experienced more than a single spray of sulfur-lime, giving them no chance to develop immunity.
A radical idea occurred to Melander. Perhaps mutations made a few scales resistant to sulfur-lime.When farmers sprayed their trees, these resistant scales survived, as did a few nonresistant ones that hadn’t received a fatal dose. The surviving scales would then breed, and the resistant genes would become more common in the following generations. Depending on the proportions of the survivors, the trees might become covered by resistant or nonresistant scales. In the Clarkston Valley region, farmers had been using sulfur-lime longer than anywhere else in the Northwest and were desperately soaking their trees with the stuff. In the process, they were driving the evolution of more resistant scales.
Melander offered his ideas in 1914, but no one paid much attention to him; they were too busy discovering even more powerful pesticides.In 1939 the Swiss chemist Paul Muller found that a compound of chlorine and hydrocarbons called DDT could kill insects more effectively than any previous pesticide had.DDT was cheap and easy to make, it could kill many species of insects,and it was stable enough to be stored for years.It could be used in small doses, and it didn’t seem to pose any health risks to humans. Between 1941 and 1976, 4.5 million tons of DDT were produced DDT was so powerful and cheap that farmers gave up old-fashioned ways of controlling pests, such as draining standing water or breeding resistant strains of crops.
DDT and similar pesticides created the delusion that pests could be not merely controlled but eradicated, so farmers began spraying pesticides on their crops as a matter of course, rather than to control outbreaks. Meanwhile, public health workers saw in DDT the hope of controlling mosquitoes, which spread diseases such as malaria.
1.托福阅读的细节题(Factual Information)
解法:a. 提取题干中关键词定位原文段落中关键词所在的所有句子. 阅读定位句理解。c. 正确选项是正确定位句的同义转述或者同义改写。必须在意思上和语言逻辑结构上完全符合定位句。
细节的题的错误选项主要有以下几种:a. 该选项的全部或者局部出现了该段落根本就没有涉及的信息,概念,特有名词等等。b. 原文定位句没有出现比较级,最高级一类的语言现象,但是选项中出现了这种无端的比较。c. 选项中出现了定位句范围以外的信息,尽管这些信息在本段落中的确被完全提及。d. 选项中有某些形容词或者副词起到了加重语气从而使选项的叙述程度甚至方向发生了改变脱离原文语言风格叙述。
2. 托福阅读的事实否定题
解法:定位题干关键词回原文。正确选项应具备:a. 原文未提及的. 与原文叙述矛盾的;3. 当选项中同时出现看似未提及和明显矛盾的选项时,优先选择明显矛盾的选项。所以,在其他类型题目能作为正确选项的在这种题型中均是错误答案。
3. 托福阅读的推论题(Inference)
解法: 提取题干中的关键词回文定位所有出现关键词的句子,综合各句提取结论性的信息。该类信息通常不会被原文直接以字面意思表达出来,通常是言外之意。错误选项的特征与细节题的错误选项特征基本相同。一般对于推论题来说,更保险的方法是用排除法做题。如果能排除3个错误选项,即使正确选项找不到定位点也可以把题目做出来。但是使用排除法前提是必须阅读理解到足够多的信息。这对阅读能力的要求是相对较高的。
4. 托福阅读的修辞题
5. 托福阅读的指代题(Reference)
解法:a. 把四个选项代入原文阅读翻译,翻译不同的就是错误答案。b. 代词的传递规则&mdashmdash;同一个事物可以在后面的数句话中用不同代词或同一个进行同一个概念上的表达--就近原则。
6. 托福阅读的词汇题(Vocabulary)
7. 托福阅读的句子简化题(Sentence Simplification)
8. 托福阅读的插入句子题(Sentence Insertion)
9. 托福阅读的文章总结题(Prose Summary)
正确选项特征:a. 正确选项必须与本题的引导句信息相关. 正确选项必须是文章中的重要信息&mdashmdash;通常是段落的主题句改写;c. 正确选项必须是原文中处于被其他论据或细节支持的信息。
错误选项特征:a. 原文中的细节信息一旦出现该选项必错。b. 出现了原文没有提及过的信息,该选项必错。c. 与原文叙述矛盾的选项必错。
10. 托福阅读的图表信息题(Fill In A Table)
错误选项特征:1. 原文中的细节信息一旦出现该选项必错。2. 出现了原文没有提及过的信息,该选项必错。3. 与原文叙述矛盾的选项必错。
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