托福口语模板常用对话 托福口语话题范文赏析

  • 作者:你的猫
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:919



1、Hold on 等一下 (口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there.

2、I hate his guts. 我最讨厌他。也有说I hate him guts. Guts 是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思。He doesn’t have many guts. 他是个胆小鬼。 gut feeling 直觉

3、Nuts, 果仁,核,为复数时,意为“疯子”,He is nuts。他有神经病。He went nuts and killed a guy.他发疯了,结果杀了一个人。You are driving me nuts. 你真是要把我逼疯。a tough nut to crack, 一项艰巨的任务,一个难解之题

4、How is everything? (还好吗?) I am just stuck in a rut, doing the same things every day. I wish I could do something different. (烦死了,每天都是干同样的活,我真想换个活法。) rut 日常的,每天都如此。get in a rut,日复一日,天天如此

5、I have totally sold out to your idea. 我100%地赞同赞同你的意见。类似的话还有If you are not careful enough, you will buy into his bad idea. 如果你不小心的话,你就会采纳他的这馊主意。

6、I am just ecstatic about going to visit you soon. 马上要见你,我高兴死了。

7、A dap and dip 打个照面,露下脸就走。

Matt: Are we going to Jon’s party?我们去琼的聚会吗?

Darryl: Yeah, but I don’t want to stay long, so let’s make it a dap and dip.那就去吧,不过我可不想多呆,顶多就打个照面就走人。

8、I would like to get a job within couching distance. 我想找个不用走路就可以上班的工作。Couching distance,沙发距离,就是坐在沙发上不起身也能够得着。这是那种 couch potato喜欢做的美梦。

9、Yukky 难吃,说这个词时还要做一个难吃的表情。Where did you get this food? It was yukky. 你从哪里弄了这吃的?那么难吃。


11、I cannot take it any more. 我再也无法忍受了。前面还可以加上一句:don’t push me. 不要再逼我呀。 同样意思的句子还有:I cannot stand him any longer.

12、Don’t take it out on me! 不要把气出在我身上。

13、You have my word. 我向你保证(是这样)。

14、Look, I have to got going. 就这样了,我还得干活呢(还得赶路)。这是向人告辞的说法。

15、You’re talking crazy. 你满嘴胡言。相当于you talk nonsense之意。 从语法上看,将形容词放在动词后不是很正规,但人家都这么说,也就可以将就了。



The thing I often take up in my leisure time is surfing the internet. The information on the internet can enable me to understand the world better. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (96 words) 


The one that I personally admire the most is a character named Alan Shore in a TV series called Boston Legal. Maybe you have heard about it. This character has changed my definition of what a perfect man is and what characteristics one should hopefully possess. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. (103 


The most important invention in my life is definitely the computer. I spend almost half of my waking hours on it. Definitely the computer,through the computer I can communicate with the world using the internet. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (105) 


I think one of the most important effects of the internet is that it can help us understand the world better, and communicate with the world in a way that nothing else can achieve. It helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (102) 


The place I would like to visit most is the outer space,the place where most of the physical laws on the earth do not apply. It is interesting to see everything floating in the air. And the term “in the air” should also be modified simply because there is no air anyway. It is interesting to walk the distance in a whole new style. And it is interesting to see the mother planet from a whole new angle. This big blue crystal sphere,from the pictures taken by those astronauts, the sight is marvelous. And I am dying to see this big blue ball in this style. (108) 


For me I think it is the history. For I am a Chinese and we have so long of it. There simply is too much to remember. And the years, the names, the places, the events all became tangled up once you learn beyond 3 or 4 dynasties and I don’t even remember we have how many of them. But I still think it important because what is going on in this country still bear traces from the past with or without our notice, although we’d like to say that we live in a new China. And I think learning history is a great way to understand this country that I am born into. (114) 


I’d like to talk to Alan Shore from the TV series Boston Legal. He is the kind of person I admire. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. I want to talk to him about how to balance when you want to have principles and yet not bound up by them at the same time. (105) 


I want to read biography books, because although we’d love to say that the society is changing and developing, human nature never changes much. And the biography books help me understand the nature behind the more visible events. I may encounter the same problems in the future and I’d like to know how others deal with them. And everyone is trying to present a more glamorous version of the self and it creates lots of illusions. Biography is a kind of way to break down these illusions and offers the truth about humanity. (93) 



A. General Deion


ETS在Soring Rubic中对于总体要求的描述还是集中在“内容”层面为主。

首先,“with at most minor lapses in completeness”表明了内容完整性的重要。


ETS考察的是你用英语交流的能力,所以要说的让别人能听懂、能了解你的意思,那么意思的表达就要有首有尾,尽量形成一个complete cycle。

其次,"highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherentdiscourse"说的是表达过程中逻辑的演绎要有条理。






B. Delivery


“Generally well-paced flow(fluid expression). Speech is clear.”有些同学对这句话有误读。


其实,“Fluid expression”讲的不是“快”,而是整体的“流畅”。这两个概念是有区别的。

适当做一些停顿来突出你的重点,也是语言的掌控能力的表现,ETS才会要求有"well-paced flow"使得speech能够clear。








• 技巧:重音

在一句话里总有你想强调的意思。举个老例子,大家读一下这句话“She always loves me.”试试看把重音每次强调在不同的单词上,读出区别来了吗?这就是重音的作用,即使是同一句话,因为重音的不同,所展示的背后的逻辑也就大相径庭。

• 技巧:适当停顿





比如“The response fulfills the demands of the task / with at most minorlapses in completeness.”我们读这句的时候,斜杠的部分要注意停顿而不能一口气以同样的速度读下去。

随后,“It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciationor intonation patterns, which do not affect intelligibility.”我们主要讨论"minor lapses"。



那碰到这样的瞬间空白怎么办呢?可以用一些过渡词来填补,会显得很自然,其实老美自己在说话时也会出现这样的大脑延迟,但他们不会一言不发,而用well...”,”you know…”,”I mean…”之类的话来等脑子跟上。



C. Language Use

在Language Use部分我们中国学生往往要注意的不是别用词用句太简单,而是别用太复杂的句式。

我们常常tend to use复杂的句式,一是因为从小的英文教育模式的关系,二是潜意识里认为会用从句套从句才牛,想用从句来压死老外。

谁料先被压死的是自己。我们毕竟不是native speaker,当你口语中的句式太复杂时自己的逻辑就会被绕进去,而口语是不可能像作文那样让你回头检查好好琢磨主谓宾的。



每天早上的跑步了。”写成从句类型可能是“I go for jogging every morning in the park beside my home where Ialways find interesting things that I never see when I work in office in whichmy life is always boring and frustrating that makes me love jogging in themorning even more.”但当场用口语说出这句话可能到一半就找不着北了。


用嘴说的话,可能是这个版本"You know, I go for jogging every morning in the park besidesmy home. I always find interesting things there that I never see in the office.I feel the life in office is always boring and frustrating which makes me lovejogging in the morning even more.”


D. Topic Development


比较有效、单刀直入的结构是“总起(直接回答问题)+ 理由1+ 理由1的支持论据 + 理由2 + 理由2的支持论据”,不用特意再加结尾句。

总起句不用长,直接简单句回答问题就行。比如"My favorite city is Shanghai.", "The man I respectthe most is my father, for 2 reasons.”

理由1的第一句,也是简单地阐述第一个支持理由。比如“First of all,Shanghai is a big city that provides me a lot of exposure and various workingopportunities.”



托福口语怎么练习?找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的托福外教可以选择,而且还有前托福高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟托福考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。





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