雅思口语part2事情类话题 雅思口语part2事情类答题提纲

  • 作者:明绣
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  • 阅读:1462



Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important

You should say:

What it is

Whether it is diffcult or not

How you learned it

And explain why you think it is important.

Ok a new skill I have learnt recently is cooking, now I know I lot of people already know how to cook. But it is just something that I had never learnt until a couple of month ago. So how I learned it? Well, I started to learn cooking by deciding what dishes I want to know how to cook and then I would look at the recipies on the internet. Emm, I remenber finding different cooking website and I even found a app on cooking called "1 2 3 cooking" that was really cool, emm, basically, it is an app that allows people to look at different recipies and pictures of the food that they had made. So that other people could learn from them. I though it was really cool so I started to use that app. I remember in the begining, I wanted to learn how to bake cake, so I looked up different cake recipies on that app, and I found a recipe for a chocolate cake. E that I thought it was really easy, for somebody like me to pick up. Emm, so I printed out the recipies, and then I bought all the ingredients like the flour ,eggs, chocolate and so on. And then I decided to follow all the steps, it was really really simple, and I remeber feeling the huge sense of satisification when I took the cake out from the oven. And I was so pround of myself, and this is actually really important because I live along. So I need to cook because I want to be independent and I don't want to spend money every single day eating unhealthy food by ordering delivery or getting takeout from KFC, I think that is horrible and unhealthy lifestyle and that is way that I want to chagne.


1.事件发生前的铺垫(Why it happened);1-2 sentences

2.事件的准备工作和心情(Prepare for it);1-2 sentences

3.事件发生的时间、地点、人物(When/where/who);2 sentences

4.事件的具体内容(What the people did in the event);5-6 sentences

5.至两个亮点的具体描述(What impressed you most);2-3 sentences

6.感想(What you learned from it);3 sentences





 对于雅思口语话题比较熟悉的考生一定不难发现,在考题中经常会出现一些限定语,例如,在上面的例子中出现了限定语“you attended recently”,考生在答题的时候千万不能被这样的限定语所迷惑,认为只能说 “近期”,大家大可以把自己熟悉拿手的素材进行修改,来满足题目当中限定语部分的要求。因为,毕竟在口语考试时考官与你并不相熟,所以不必担心考官知道你“造假”。那么,根据以上所说的两点,大家可以谈谈近期参加的Wedding。


在解决了素材的选择问题之后,考生下面要做的就是思考相关词汇。既然我们在这里要谈及近期参加的婚礼,那么关于婚礼,考生需要记住相关词汇。在进行词汇补充时,建议考生问自己四个W: when, where, who, what。因为在事件题当中,这四个W是基本要素,是必须回答和解决的问题。


考生在进行事件题的话题描述和练习的时候,上述三个步骤确定后,需要找到“自我存在”。毕竟这是自己经历的事情。那么“自我存在”的位置如何寻找呢?很简单,从刚才我们所提到的4W要素中的who部分入手,把自己带入其中。比如说适合考生的“自我存在”有bestman、maid of honor、guests等等。其中女生在寻找自己的位置的时候,甚至可以把自己放置在接到新娘捧花的位置上,“you know, I was the person who got the bouquet”。因为这非常符合英语国家文化,在表述时可以拉近自身与考官之间的距离,“and that is the reason why this wedding is so memorable to me”。切记“自我存在”是十分重要的。




雅思口语找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。





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