高考英语口语历年真题 高考英语复习攻略
- 作者:墨曦歌
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- 阅读:2457
Part One: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read.
Several studies have shown that humor seems to help sick people get back their health faster. The idea is not new. But today, doctors are still trying to figure out exactly how this works. In some hospitals, doctors do scientific experiments with laughter. They show funny films like Mr. Bean to patients who have diseases to make them laugh. Actors dress up in silly clothes and tell funny jokes. Smiles and laughter seem to make illness less painful. In addition, the hospital atmosphere is more cheerful for everyone.
Part Two: Make quick responses to the sentences you hear:
1. How do you go to school everyday?
2. Why don’t you wear that new coat?
3. Watch your steps, please.
4. Hey, please don’t use my dictionary without asking.
5. Oh, I’m really sorry, I’ve knocked over your tea.
Part Three: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation:
(1-2) You want to buy a digital camera. You are now at the camera counter in a department store. You ask the shop assistant…
(3-4) Your friend Li Mei has just returned from her trip to Qingdao. You ask her …
Part Four: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk on this topic in at least six sentences.
Do you think it necessary for teenagers to keep off fast food such as fried chicken and potato chips? Why or why not?
Part Five: you will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk about the following pictures in at least seven sentences. Begin your talk with the sentence given.
Yesterday was Xiao Ming’s seventeenth birthday.
Part One: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read.
Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports. There are team sports, such as baseball, basketball and football. There are individual sports, also, such as golf and swimming. In addition, hiking, skiing, and mountain climbing have a great attraction for people who like to be outdoors.
Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to participate in them. Many people prefer to be spectators, either by attending the games in person, or watching them on television. When there is an important baseball game or boxing match it is almost impossible to get tickets, everybody wants to attend.
Part Two: Make quick responses to the sentences you hear:
1. How are things with you?
2. I must apologize for my behavior yesterday.
3. We’re having an outing on Saturday. I hope you can make it.
4. Which TV programme are you most interested in?
5. I wonder if you would agree with me.
Part Three: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation:
(1-2) One of your friends asks you to go to a concert with him. Ask him two questions about the concert.
(3-4) You have moved to a new residential area recently and are not familiar with the neighbourhood. Ask your next-door neighbour two questions about …
Part One: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read.
Charlie’s mother noticed a key on the table. “Charlie,” she called, “your father left this key here today. Please hurry and take it to him. Run all the way – and don’t stop for anything.”
Charlie went running down the path from his house. He started playing with the key, throwing it high in the air and jumping up to catch it again. Suddenly the key fell through his fingers, dropping to the ground, and rolled out of sight.
He felt ashamed when he told his father about the lost key. Charlie’s father was angry and said, “You are very careless, my son. The next time you have something important to carry, put it in your pocket.”
Part Two: Make quick responses to the sentences you hear:
1. May I speak to Mr. Johnson, the hotel manager?
2. Could I have two tickets for the Lion King for Friday night?
3. You ought not to be smoking here, sir.
4. If I were you, I’d sent him an email.
5. You’ve been doing a very good job in organizing the party.
Part Three: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation:
(1-2) One of your classmates seems upset about something. Ask him two questions to show your concern.
(3-4)You are now working for the Students Union to enroll volunteers for the coming international conferences. One of your schoolmates wants to be a volunteer. Ask him two questions.
1. “从课本中来,到课本中去”:不说把书里面所有的角角落落都搞懂,但起码80%是你懂的,剩下的那20%,基本上就是老师在上课时说的“这部分大家重点了解!”听明白,老师都说了是重点了解,那你就好好了解一下,没有必要为难自己死记硬背,因为往往那一部分是比较难的,就像试卷上的“附加题”一样。
2. 弄懂课本要注意方式方法:说起课本,肯定很多的同学会说,不就是背吗?我知道的,早自习背,晚自习背,周末还要背!我想告诉你,这样是极其错误的,高考考的是基础,最怕你这么不用心的背。所以在复习的时候一定要头脑清晰,每一个知识点和文章都是自己理解记忆的,把每一个可能考的东西都消化装进自己的脑袋里。
3. 做题最怕埋头苦做:高考英语复习的试卷多,这大家都知道,每天的生活真的是试卷满天飞。但试卷再多也要用心认真的去做,尤其是第一轮复习十分重要。把一套题做完后再统一查找难题、错题的解答方法,不要边做边改,真题做完再改错能让你清楚自己的短板在哪里,这样在后期的复习中也方便你进行调整。
4. 要注意“动次打次”的自我节奏感:可能正在复习的同学会发现,很多时候在复习的时候跟不上老师的节奏,这是因为大家的水平不同,老师不可能制定出来适合所有人的复习节奏,所以导致部分同学跟不上,没弄懂的东西越积越多。这里,我的建议是你如果实在跟不上老师的节奏,就要学会先关注最基础最简单的题目,然后把遗漏的课本部分做好标记,周末有时间的时候自己补回来。一定要补,不补你就吃大亏了!
5. 做题要坚持两个“基本原则”:
6. “逢考必究”,这里的“究”指的是“研究”哦:
学会预测:在听音前根据卷面信息预测听音重点,在听音过程中根据关联词预测,根据上一句预测下一句。做简要笔记: 根据题目要求有针对性的记下特定的信息。学会模糊记忆:把握语篇的意义,把重点放在听中心思想、主旨与说话人的意图上,而不是辨别单个词义上。学会排除:根据个人的感觉与背景知识,排除不太可能的选项。
1)运用速记符号例如:↑up ↓down ←left →right =equal.
例如:Ex——expensive lg——large.Eq——earthquake ys——yesterday.
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