托福口语黄金80例 托福口语校园生活话题
- 作者:墨曦歌
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- 阅读:1235
2. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.
3. 空闲时间用来做什么?
4. What will you do to relax yourself?
6. 描述自己印象深刻的时刻?
7. Describe a social or politics celebration events in your culture.
8. Favorite time of a year?
9. 描述童年很快乐的事情,解释原因;
10. 描述童年很快乐的事情;
11. Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood;
12. some good news and why?
13. Describe an object which is very important to you.
14. Describe a special opportunity given to you.
15. What do you miss most when you are away from home?16. Describe a letter or poem or ..at is important to you.
17.Favorite room;
18. The most efficient transportation in your country;
19.说出最近一百年来最 important invention 之一;
23.老师的 character;
24.What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?
26. Characteristics of friends;
27.good leader ! qualities?
28.描述一次challenging experience, 你是如何解决这次challenge?
33. 和朋友在一起喜欢在 restaurant, cafe还是家?
34. 你和朋友在一起的时候最喜欢去哪里,为什么?
35. 你最喜欢去哪里 park 或者 public area.Similar to No.3.
36.森林,沙漠,平原你喜欢住在那种环境里?Similar to No.9.
37. Computer have improved our lives while others think computers have caused problemsSimilar to No.1.
38. 你愿意当leader &还是follower?
40. Which one acts more influence on your newspaper, TV or teachers?
42. 喜欢在家吃还是外面吃?
45. Should the university education be free?
46.attend college 是否比不参加college 要 successful in career ,why?
47. 大学的学习重不重要,你觉得呢?
49. 喜欢一个人住还是和舍友住?
50. 在办公室工作还是家工作,为什么?
51.Communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone?
52. Whether parents should lead their children to watch TV or the children should choose.
53.Get advice from family and friends or learning through personal experience
54. Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books?
55. 选择online courses 还是traditional courses?
56. Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in group?
58. ls it important for students to attend class regularly or study by oneself?
61. Subject which will lead to better job or subject which you are interested.
63. Take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year?
65.城市建筑应该保持 old building 还是new building replace old building
66. 喜欢看哪种电影?为什么?
68.如果有机会你会选择 job or career?
69. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?
70. 学校应不应该在课程中加入Sport courses?
71.Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform in school?
72. 打手枪该不该在一些地方禁止?
73. 政府该不该同意资助建博物馆和剧院,为什么?
74. 同不同意 People should always tell the truth ?
75. Do you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at the first glance?
76. Have a relaxed and unhurried life, yes or n๐?
77.学生在工作之前应该做part-time job或者 summer intern ,确定是否适合,同意吗?
78.是否同意学生进入大学前有一个 one-year的break?
79.Do you agree or disagree: "The most important lesson can't be learned in class."
80. Someone suggests school to cut the Recycling。
1. Do you prefer to take essay exams or multiple-choice exams?
2. Do you prefer to take essay exams or oral presentations?
3. Would you prefer to take the TOEFL test or a math test?
4. Would you prefer to write a paper by yourself or with a group?
5. Sometimes students have to write paper. Sometimes they have to give oral presentations. Which activity do you think is better for students and why? Includes details and examples in your explanation。
6. Some people prefer to study a little in many subjects, while others prefer to study a single subject in depth. Which do you prefer and why?
7. Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?
8. In some schools, teachers decide what classes students must take. Other schools allow students to select their own classes. Which system do you think is better and why?
9. If your teacher makes a mistake, is it better to correct the teacher or ignore the mistake?
10. Do you prefer to be in a large class or a small class?