雅思口语part1题库 雅思口语Part3模拟试题及答案

  • 作者:猫猫难追
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:1777



像perfume 香水, 问题有:

Do you use perfume?

What type of perfume do you like most?

Do you use perfume as a gift?

What does the perfume mean to you?

像smile 微笑, 问题有:

When do people smile to others?

Do you smile when someone take photos for you?

Can you recognize a fake smile?

Do you like to smile?

像litter 垃圾, 问题有:

Will you pick up litter when you are walking on the street?

Why do people throw garbage on the street?

Do you think your city is clean or not?

How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street?

像street market 街头市场,问题有:

Are there many street markets in your country?

Do you often go to the street market?

What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets/shopping mall?

What do street markets sell?

Would you feel interesting if you see a street market in a foreign country?


雅思找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下小编在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让小编感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。小编长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,小编也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。



三、 雅思口语Part3模拟试题及答案

1.Q.How can technology make our life easier?

A. Technology is the use of invented science and the uses of technological tools and that have made our life easier. For example, we are using watches to get time, watching television for different reasons, and using telephones for communication purposes etc and thus our life is made easier than before. But if there were no clock, television or telephone invented, certainly we should have stayed in the primitive age. The current advancement would not have been possible. Technology has changed that way we study, work or even spend our leisure time. With the help of the technology, we can have a better life standard with much more efficient tools and devices to help us in every way possible.

2.Q.What are some greatest inventions you know about?

A. There are a large number of inventions have been done so far, but the most important invention appears to me is the invention of electricity. Then I should consider the invention of wheels which truly has made the communication system and travelling easier to us. Thirdly I should consider the invention of Internet, which has radically changed the world. Apart from that light bulbs, aeroplane, penicillin, telephone are some other greatest inventions of all time in my opinion.

3.Q.Why should we restrict the use of mobile phone in public places?

A. Mobile phone, undoubtedly, is an important invention but it has some detrimental impacts too. Using mobile phones at public places may appear indecent. Mobile phone users talk about countless issues but sometimes the speeches may cause irritation to others existing on the public spots. Moreover, the speakers may also reveal their secrets inadvertently that may hamper their privacy. Moreover, since the public places are always crowded, the chance of accidents is more while talking on mobile phones.

4.Q.Why mobile phones are gaining its popularity?

A. Mobile phones are gaining popularity as those are easy to carry. Moreover, someone can buy a mobile phone at an affordable cost and without any legal complexities. Besides, the tariffs are also economic. It is far more convenient that other means of communication system and faster to deliver the message. So, the mobile phones are gaining popularity gradually.



Describe a situation when you don' t have enough time想做但没时间做的事情

Describe a time you received horrible service 糟糕的服务

Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person教晚辈/教年轻人新东西

Describe a healthy lifestyle you know健康生活方式

Describe a time you enjoyed your free time享受空闲时光


Describe a language you want to learn (not English)想学的外语(非英语)

Describe a good law in your country你国家的好法律

Describe the last book you read最近读的书/读的上一本书

Describe an interesting talk or lecture有趣的演讲

Describe something given to you that you really need-件给你的急需品/十 分需要的物品

Describe a historical period that you are interested in感兴趣的历史时期

Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn花很长时间学习的技能



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