​雅思口语人物类范文 雅思口语怎么考试

  • 作者:柠檬片
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:1143




Well, to be honest I should really say when we are pursuing a more fashionable life, various kinds of arts are being created. However, compared to the achievements and levels of those artists in our history, it is hard to find out one who is more outstanding. Therefore, to describe an artist, I would like to talk about Qi baishi. One of the ten top artists in the 20th century in China, and also well-know through out the world. I became to know him when I was in the middle school, when my father, one day, came back home very excitedly, because he successfully got one painting of Qibaishi. However, a week later, my father was disappointed because the painting turned out to be a fake. Later, I am quite interested in gathering all possible information about this artist and his art works.Under his brush, each flower, bird, fish and even an insect is amazingly vivid, while the hills, the waters and the figures are all perfect, showing the wisdom and philosophy of life and thus moving the readers directly. In his 80s, he was especially famous for his talents in drawing shrimps. He was so hard working that in his life time, he had produced more than 30000 paintings and 3000 poems. He is a great artist because of his profound achievement in the filed of paintings, calligraphies, poems and seals, because of his combination of the folk art and traditional art, because of his integration of paintings from the life and paintings with freehand. I really admire him.



PART1 考官会向考生提出基本问题,从这时候开始,考官已经在观察并测试你的语言能力了。

PART2 时一定要针对题卡给出的问题进行两分钟的发言,中途不可以有长时间的停顿。在题卡的几个问题中,选择最熟悉的问题。


1、丰富自己的词汇量和句型。这也是提高雅思口语的方法。雅思口语考试涉及上百个不同的口语话题,所包含内容之广可以说是骇人听闻的。考生平时可以多看TV program、talk show、新闻节目和电影,大量进行单词和句型的记忆,并且在最短时间内进行口头练习,不仅是学习口语最快的方式,也是记忆单词、提高语感最佳的方式。





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