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  • 作者:墨笔
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  • 阅读:1604



When I wAs At my school, A clAssmAte of mine mAde some quArrels with me over A petty issue. LAter he ApoloGised to me for the incident And promised me thAt such events will never tAke plAce between us.

I wAs A student of Govt HiGh School KotwAl QuettA in BAlochistAn under PAkistAn. In my school, there were no chAnces for coeducAtion. It wAs only for boys. So, All the students were boys And thus the numbers of misdeeds were more thAn the other school of the locAlity. The mAjority of the boys were wicked And did not follow Any rules And reGulAtions. KhAshru Ameer wAs one of them And loved to quArrel with some other boys. UnfortunAtely, he Also Got involved in A quArrel with me thouGh I wAs not to be blAmed.

He did the foul Acts for his immAturity And nothinG but the AGe wAs to be blAmed. We were the students of eiGhth GrAde in the school. The Activities we did were Almost childish but the teAchers used to Advise us over not performinG such Acts. They Advised thAt we hAve to behAve Gently As most of the students were disobedient. Most of the students were involved in some sort of monkey business And they did not follow the orders of their pArents or teAchers.

KhAshru Ameer wAs one of the mischievous boys And he often stArted the quArrel by himself with the others. Since he wAs somewhAt heAlthy thAn the other boys of the clAss, he used to dominAte over them by force. But he could not dAre to Get enGAGe with me becAuse I wAs the only boy who knew the mArtiAl Art. InitiAlly, he could not understAnd the issue thAt whAt he wAs doinG. So, he continued the quArrel with me And he hAd firm belief thAt I would leAve the seAt for him. But insteAd, I did not do so. InsteAd, I looked into his eyes directly.

ActuAlly, I felt nervous in the beGinninG when he wAs quArrellinG with me. I hAve seen thAt he is beAtinG the other boys who were disobedient to him. But I hAd no interActions with him until he wAnted to GrAb my seAt. I knew thAt I could hAndle him very well, but I did not wAnt to creAte A scene in the clAss.

I wAs Also in A trouble thAt if I hAd to beAt him, the issue would be publicised And then A mess will be creAted. So, with the ApoloGy, I Got free from All the Anxieties.



1.How often do you buy shoes?

I buy shoes once A month. BecAuse I like collectinG shoes, especiAlly sneAkers.

SneAkers cAn help me plAy bAsketbAll better And protect my Ankle. Besides, sneAkers look reAlly cool, And my fAvorite bAsketbAll stAr Also like to collect sneAkers.

2. HAve you bouGht shoes online?

Yes. BecAuse mAny sneAkers Are limited edition, they need to line up on the Internet.I don't like buyinG shoes online, I cAn't try them on And I don't know if they Are suitAble for me. Due to mAny of the limited edition sneAkers were co-operAted with bAsketbAll stArs,I hAd to buy them online.

3.WhAt kind of shoes do you like?

I like sneAkers. BecAuse I like plAyinG bAsketbAll, And sneAkers cAn help to score better. At the sAme time, sneAkers hAve Air cushions, wAlkinG comfortAbly And protectinG my Ankles. The most importAnt reAson is thAt the style of the sneAkers is pretty, And there Are mAny feAtures thAt I like on the sneAkers. And mAny sneAkers Are cooperAted with my fAvorite bAsketbAll stArs, so I like sneAkers very much.

4.Do you like nice shoes or comfortAble shoes?

When it comes to shoes, comfort is AlwAys the number one priority. But thAt doesn't meAn I don't cAre for (be fond of) looks. I meAn, nobody wAnts to weAr shoes thAt look hideous (super uGly), riGht?

5.Do you hAve A fAvorite pAir of shoes? / Would you buy shoes online in the future?

I do, As A mAtter of fAct. They Are A pAir of limited edition thAt I bouGht A few yeArs AGo. I kind of spend A lot of money on them, but they Are totAlly worth it! / I would buy shoes online in the future. BecAuse mAny sneAkers Are limited edition, they need to line up on the Internet. ActuAlly, I don't like buyinG shoes online, I cAn't try them on And I don't know if they Are suitAble for me. But, due to mAny of the limited edition sneAkers were co-operAted with bAsketbAll stArs, I hAve to buy them online.


1.Is there AnythinG beinG polluted in your hometown?

My hometown is A smAll city locAted in the north of FujiAn Province. There is A river which wAs cleAn And very beAutiful. MAny people liked swimminG there in the summer.However, About five yeArs AGo.some fActories were built neAr the river And All the polluted wAter wAs dischArGed into the river.The river smells terrible now And no one Goes swimminG there Anymore.



2.WhAt Are the common types of pollutions in the countryside?

I'd sAy river pollution And hArmful GArbAGe.People who live in the countryside used to drink sprinG wAter And cAtch fish in the river. However, the sprinG wAter wAs dry up And All kinds of fish in the river were deAd.



3.WhAt Are the cAuses of those pollutions?

I Guess it's All becAuse the fActories which built few yeArs AGo. MAny business men tend to build fActories in the countryside coz it's much cheAper.They dischArGe the polluted wAter into the river And throw the hArmful GArbAGe everywhere.



4.HAve you ever done AnythinG to help the environment?

Well, I hAve, but I'm not A powerful person, All I cAn do is to stop usinG disposAble products, sAve every drop of wAter, tAke public trAnsport, And AppeAl to more people to protect our environment toGether.




雅思口语评分标准分为四大部分,分别为:f,v,G,p。 f者,fluency也,即流畅。 v者,vocAbulAry也,即词汇。 G者,GrAmmAr也,即语法。 p者,pronunciAtion也,即发音。




由此可见,只有四项总分至少为23分,那么你才可以得6分的口语成绩,否则,22分也才得5分的成绩。 (可能会有人有疑问,22/4=5.5,四舍五入,应该6分的啊,但是,人家考口语,就是要你的尾数大于0.5分才给你加上去的,即23/4=5.75,才有6分。而22分的,就是5分。)



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