5月雅思口语预测 5月雅思口语题目预测
- 作者:橘子
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- 阅读:1659
PART 1 基础题
话题数量: 30-35组,换题比例: 30%-40%
第一类:必需准备的话题。也就是我们常说的基础题必考话题 (优先练习)
A. Study/work(在校生无需准备work)。从Do you work or are you a student 开始,问题都是关于学习or工作的最基本信息。超过50%的考生遇到的第一组话题都是它。不准备就等着狗带吧~
B. Hometown/where you live。问题相似,差别在于一个是家乡,一个是现在居住的城市。一般涉及对该城市的喜好和评价。30%左右的考生会在第一组话题中遇到。属于“即使裸考也要提前想想”的一类重要话题。
C. Accommodation。出现频率相对低一些,但也是常年存在题库中的高频话题。
D. changes in your neighbourhood. 新加入进来的必考话题。主要问你住的地方附近的一些变化和待改善的地方。
Watching the sky
Coffee and tea
Film stars
Daily commute
birthdays, being busy, being polite, buildings, childhood, clothes, fruits, games, getting along with others, language learning, meals, nature, neighbours, reading, relatives, staying up late, swimming, sunny and rainy days, toys.
雅思口语Part 1 战略
Name 姓名
People who are working 作业考生
People who are studying 学生考生
Hometown 家园
1A004 Apartment p24
do you live in a house or a flat? 惯例考题
1B001 Bags p26
Do you love bags?
What kind of bags do you like?
What do you care about when you buy bags?
Why do you think some designer bags are so expensive?
Have you ever lost any bags?
1C001 Celebrity p28
Who is your favorite celebrity?
Have you ever seen this person?
Do you want to be a famous person?
1C002 Chocolate p28
How often do you have chocolate?
Did you like to have chocolate when you were young?
Have you ever given chocolate to others?
Why is chocolate popular in so many countries?
1C005 Color p30
What’s your favorite color?
Do you like the same colors now as you did when you were younger?
What can you learn about a person from the colors they like?
Do any colors have a special meaning in your culture?
1C006 Computer p32
1D004 Dream p35
Do you often have dreams?
Can you remember what you dream of after you wake up?
Are you interested in other people’s dreams?
Do you like to have a course about dreams?
1F001 Family p37
How much time do you spend with your family?
1F004 Food p39
What sorts of food are popular in China?
Do you go to restaurant?
What kind of restaurant do you like? Why?
What’s the difference between the restaurant now and that in the past?
1F005 Friend p40
Do you like to be with yourself or your friends?
Do you have many friends?
What do your friends think of you?
Do you think that your friends are important to you?
What do you do with your friends?
What kind of people do you like?
How can you keep in touch with your friends if you don’t see them regularly?
When do you make friends?
1H002 Handwriting p44
Do you often write things?
Do you usually write by hand or type in a computer?
Do you think computers will replace handwriting?
How do children improve their handwriting?
1H004 Holiday p45
How do you spend your holidays?
How did you spend your last holiday?
What do you dislike to do during your holidays?
1H005 Housework p46
Do you do housework?
Who does the housework in your family?
What housework is there?
What kind of housework is most important?
What changes are brought by modern technology into housework?
PART1 考官会向考生提出基本问题,从这时候开始,考官已经在观察并测试你的语言能力了。所以在回答时,需具有逻辑并符合语境。避免过多使用平时说不到的词汇,否则会给考官一种应试的感觉,往往拿不到高分。PART2 时一定要针对题卡给出的问题进行两分钟的发言,中途不可以有长时间的停顿。在题卡的几个问题中,选择最熟悉的问题,针对它多说一些,其他不喜欢或者不熟悉的问题可以一带而过。不过,由于题目限制,有些问题无法说太多,往往是最后一问可以展开描述。另外要注意控制时间,尽量不要超时。PART 3部分,如果需要一点时间组织语言可以告诉考官“It's an interesting question,let me think about that." 请他稍等一下,但是不要反复使用且停顿时间不宜过长。举例、给出观点、给出相反的观点、评论某人的观点、谈谈原因及影响、假设一种情况、谈论过去与未来等等是PART3常见的问题,考生们可以大胆预测提前准备。