托福综合写作题型介绍 托福考试的写作要求

  • 作者:墨笔
  • 更新日期:
  • 阅读:1348










1.词汇要求:按笔者对 托福写作 题认真分析和多次参加 托福考试 经验,我认为词汇的要求应该是4000—5000个积极词汇。其中,学习词汇三个重中之重便是:①动宾搭配; ②介宾搭配; ③修饰原则。 此乃应对新托 福写作词汇要求之三大利器。


3.思路拓展:有的考生英语水平虽好,但常常苦于没有思路。那针对这种情况,我们对思路扩展提出两种方法,能迅速有效帮助学生解决这个问题。①归类法 + ②总括法,论证一定要体现严密的逻辑,思维不能跳跃。

4.审题原则:如何审题,决定了你是否能在有效时间内迅速进入状态。对此,我们制定出审题三原则: ①定位 ②概括 ③分类,学会发散思维,不要就事论事。

5.结构安排:清晰的结构将使阅卷人对你留下一个好的印象。除此,你也能更加有效的安排自己的段落。三种方法助你一臂之力:1 平衡式 2 倾向式 3 一波三折式。

6.语法突破:其中必备四大语法结构即是:①句子结构 ②从句 ③非谓语动词 ④倒装、强调、平行结构、一致;







ScoreTask Description

5A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections.


Scoreask Description

4A response at this level is generally good in selecting the important information from the lecture and in coherently and accurately presenting this information in relation to the relevant information in the reading, but it may have minor omission, inaccuracy, vagueness, or imprecision of some content from the lecture or in connection to points made in the reading. A response is also scored at this level if it has more frequent or noticeable minor language errors, as long as such usage and grammatical structures do not result in anything more than an occasional lapse of clarity or in the connection of ideas.


ScoreTask Description

3A response at this level contains some important information from the lecture and conveys some relevant connection to the reading, but it is marked by one or more of the following:

Although the overall response is definitely oriented to the task, it conveys only vague, global, unclear, or somewhat imprecise connection of the points made in the lecture to points made in the reading.

The response may omit one major key point made in the lecture.

Some key points made in the lecture or the reading, or connections between the two, may be incomplete, inaccurate, or imprecise.

Errors of usage and/or grammar may be more frequent or may result in noticeably vague expressions or obscured meanings in conveying ideas and connections.


ScoreTask Description

2A response at this level contains some relevant information from the lecture, but is marked by significant language difficulties or by significant omission or inaccuracy of important ideas from the lecture or in the connections between the lecture and the reading; a response at this level is marked by one or more of the following:

The response significantly misrepresents or completely omits the overall connection between the lecture and reading.

The response significantly omits or significantly misrepresents important points made in the lecture.

The response contains language errors or expressions that largely obscure connections or meaning at key junctures, or that would likely obscure understanding of key ideas for a reader not already familiar with the reading and the lecture.



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